33 || e m e r a l d

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i have your lion heart, it has made me be the wolf that i am now.
    <emerald by lyra


Sounds faded in and out of Malia's ears, everything around her feeling like it was swirling. Her eyes fluttered opened and closed, Malia feeling a warm hand on her jaw. "Malia?" The voice calling her name was distorted, Malia feeling disoriented. Her vision twisted and lagged, her ears ringing.

Was she alive?

Her vision began to clear, Malia blinking away the disorientation. The familiar face of Draco Malfoy became clearer, a look of absolute bewilderment on his face. She felt her lips curl into a weak smile as she stared into his teary grey eyes, her hand reaching to stroke his face. "You saved me." Draco said unsteadily.

"And I would do it again a thousand times." Malia replied, ignoring the absolute chaos that ensued around them. "Malia!" Her ears pricked up as she caught her name being called from across the courtyard. Her eyes landed on Harry who was desperately fending off deadly spells from Voldemort himself. The villain fought with deadly rage, he was the most vulnerable he had ever been.

With the power of two.

Marianna Stark's soft voice echoed in Malia's head, her task now becoming clear. "I have to help Harry. It's the only way we can end this." Malia whispered to Draco who still cradled her body in his arms. Draco looked down at her with fearful eyes, his hand resting on her jaw. "It's too dangerous-" Malia pressed her finger to his lips. "You know that this is what I must do." Malia replied as she sat up, her body aching everywhere.

"We need you out here, Draco!" Pansy called out, desperation lacing her voice. Draco looked around him with urgency, realising that this was something he could not change.

"I love you, Draco. We'll survive this." Malia stood up shakily, holding onto Draco. "I love you too. Be safe." Draco kissed her with deep passion before taking off in Pansy's direction. A sense of determination washed over her as she watched Harry dodge a blast, his face stricken with fear. Malia's eye caught her wand lying on the ground under some rubble, making no haste to pick it up.

"Harry! I'm coming!" Malia yelled to him, his head turning to look at her. She started sprinting towards him, wand drawn. Voldemort snake-like eyes tightened to slits as he watched her approach, throwing his wand back to send a blast Malia's way. She barely blocked it as she reached Harry's side, relief washing over his face.

Malia could feel the rage radiating from Voldemort. He knew that his time was up. He had nothing left. This made him even more deadly.

"It's over, Riddle! Give up!" Malia yelled, narrowly dodging a cruciatus curse. The ghost of Tom Riddle only ignored her and fought back harder, Malia's heart beating out of her chest.

Malia and Harry caught eyes, the two knowing at they needed to give this one last push if they were to succeed. They needed to disarm him. He was too powerful with his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Malia and Harry screamed in unison- Voldemort countering the spell with a killing curse. A red stream of light from Harry and a sapphire stream from Malia twisted and intertwined as it clashed with the green stream from Voldemort.

Malia pushed her wand forward with all the strength she had. She could feel the magic surging though her like a tsunami, Malia gritting her teeth in concentration. She glanced over to Harry who held a similar stance, both determined to end this.

Voldemort grew more and more frantic as his magic weakened, the purple-like stream of magic almost reaching him. An enraged yell erupted from his throat, inching his wand forward. Harry and Malia nodded to each other, the two using all the power they had.

Harry and Malia's power reached Voldemort in an explosive-like manner, his wand flying from his hand and his body flying a few meters back. The two friends looked to each other with wide eyes, lowering their wands slowly.

They stepped cautiously towards Voldemort's heaving figure, parts of his body disintegrating and floating away into the wind. Rage filled Malia's mind. "You were wrong, Tom. Love does win. This is want happens to people like you. They die." Malia spat, watching the remains of Tom Marvolo Riddle splutter and fade.

Harry Potter looked at his long time enemy and spat on the little remains that hadn't floated away, disgust filling his face.

"It's over." Harry mumbled, pushing his
glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Forever." Malia answered, taking a deep breath.

"Malia!" Her head whipped in the direction of her name, her eyes softening as she spotted Draco Malfoy limped towards her, relief swirling in his eyes. Malia ran towards him, throwing herself into his arms, his warmth instantly comforting her. "You did it. He's gone. Forever." Draco whispered in her ear before planting a passionate kiss on her lips.

Draco sank to his knees clutching her for dear life, her small body engulfed in his arms. As he breathed he could smell the dried blood in her hair, but he didn't care. She was there in his arms- alive. That's all he needed.

He looked up as felt arms curl around them, Pansy Parkinson and Maximus Stark kneeling down to join them. Nothing needed to be said. They wanted each of them to know how much they all meant to each other.

Theo and Luna soon joined them, Blaise and Daphne too. Next Harry and Ginny- and Ron and Hermione. They all sat on the dark ground holding each other, reminding them what they fought for in the first place- love and freedom.

They had fought tooth and nail for this- and now, it was finally here. They could live and love freely; something that was so dear to them. They no longer lived in fear of death and loss- all they needed now was love, and now that Draco Malfoy held the love of his life in his arms, surrounded by the love of their friends- he finally knew what it meant to love.

Love is not being selfish and putting others before you, much like how Malia threw herself in front of a killing curse to save his life. Love is doing everything in your power to protect the ones you love- much like how Harry Potter was ready to die again to save his loved ones.

He finally saw the love surrounding him. He had spent the majority of his life in the dark and now that he basked in the light, he would never go back.

He was free.

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