9 || d e s t r o y a

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so show me what you got, against the sun we're the enemy
           <destroya by my chemical romance


Malia woke up alone the next morning, still wearing her dress. Today was Harry's birthday and she couldn't miss the Quidditch game. Malia checked the clock on the wall. 11:35. She had just enough time to get ready and get some breakfast. She got out of bed and pulled off her dress, hanging it on the back of the chair. She walked to the wardrobe. It was enchanted to summon clothes that the wearer felt like that day.

Black skinny jeans and a royal blue top flew into Malia's hands, making her jump. She pulled on the jeans and put the top on, as well as a black cardigan. She pulled on her grey ankle boots and tied the laces tight.

She opened the door quietly in case Draco was still sleeping. She tiptoed downstairs to make herself some breakfast but Draco was already eating toast and reading the Daily Prophet. His platinum blonde hair was dishevelled and he hadn't even noticed Malia yet. "Good morning!" Malia exclaimed as she walked by Draco, ruffling his hair. "Hey!"

"I made you some toast, it's over there." Draco pointed to the counter where two slices of toast sat on a plate. "Thank you!" Malia picked up the plate and sat across from Draco at the table. "Are you playing the Quidditch game today?" Draco asked, handing her the paper. "Yeah. It's for Harry's birthday." Malia replied as she shoved a piece of toast in her mouth. "Who's on the teams? Any Slytherins?" Draco scowled.

"Nope, all Gryffindors. Cho Chang and I are the only Ravenclaws."

"Not surprised anyway." Draco groaned. "Imagine I showed up to play Seeker against him. How funny would that be?" Draco smirked but he knew that would never be allowed. "Not funny. You'd end up murdering him on his own birthday." Malia retorted. "You're playing Chaser?" Draco asked. "Yeah. Oliver Wood is my keeper, Demelza Robins and Katie Bell are my chasers, George Weasley and Seamus Finnegan are my Beaters and Cho Chang is the Seeker." Draco visibly straightened at the mention of Katie Bell but he tried to calm himself down.

"Can I come?" Draco chanced but he knew the answer would most likely be no. "I mean, if you act like you're not there with me and try to keep out of sight or use a disillusionment charm then I don't see why not?" Malia shrugged.

The Daily Prophet knew everything now so the pitch will probably be packed. Malia didn't really want loads of people watching. It was supposed to be an event where only them and their closest friends were there but, they were war heroines. What was Malia to expect? "I'd like to see Potter get beaten so Malia, you better win for my sake!" Draco joked but Malia knew he meant it slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm winning regardless if you want me to or not." Malia smirked, her last piece of toast. "What are the colours?" Draco asked, standing up and placing his plate in the sink. "I don't know yet but Harry's team will probably be in red and mine in blue." Malia replied, placing her plate in the sink.

"Where are you going after the match?" Draco inquired. "Probably to the lake that we always go to. We always have campfires there." Malia replied nonchalantly. "Malia, I can't protect you there. You know Voldemort is on the rise." Draco's expression quickly changed.

"Draco, I'll be fine. I'll be home before you know it." Malia smiled at him but he wasn't having it.

"I just don't think I could handle it if I let anything happen to you. I've missed you so much after all these years and I just got you back and-" Malia lifted a finger to his lips to shush him. He really was overthinking things.

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