2 || g o n e r

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i just wanted to say that bellatrix isn't dead and is still living. some other death eaters had escaped but the ministry have no idea.

i'm a goner, somebody catch my breath.
>goner by twenty-one pilots


Draco's body hurtled up as he woke from the same nightmare he had every night. It took him a few seconds to realise where he was. Draco was in Malia's house. He could smell the scent of food as he felt his stomach growl.

Draco pushed back the duvet and got out of bed. He opened the door and walked down the stairs. Malia stood at the stove, humming a tune he could not recall. "Hey." Draco alerted her of his presence and he saw her jump slightly. She turned around, studying him closely. Draco could almost hear the cogs turning in her head.

"Sleep well Malfoy?" Malia's tone was unreadable. Draco couldn't tell if she was being genuine or mocking. "Thank you for last night." Draco replied. "You won't be found here." Malia said simply, changing the subject completely.

"Why do you say that?"

"I owled Harry and Ginny's house elf to help me cast charms on the house to make sure we cannot be located by Voldemort or any Death-Eater." Malia turned away, continuing cooking.

"Do Harry and Ginny-" Malia interrupted me. "No."

"Look Malia, about what you said last night-"

"Forget what I said." Malia snapped.

"Malia I- there wasn't one day that went by that I didn't think about you." Malia's eyes glinted with something Draco couldn't read before it disappeared. "What went through your mind when you thought of me? How you could kill me next time you saw me?" Malia spat.

"I could never think that Malia!"

"Well you did it!"

"I told you The Dark Lord had me under the Imperius Curse! I didn't know what I was doing!"

Malia faced away from Draco and set her elbows on the worktop, her head in her hands. "On that night, why didn't you kill me?" Her voice cracked at the end as her voice grew softer. "The curse wore off right after I said 'Avada'." He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't touch me!" She yelled as she shoved away his hand.

She shoved past him and stormed to the coat rack. Malia put on her jacket and grabbed her wand from the table. "Go to bed and rest, I don't need you hurting yourself again." Malia's tone was once again unreadable.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked. "Diagon Alley."

"No Malia, the Death-Eaters can track you down and-" She disapparated before Draco even got to finish his sentence.


Malia entered Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, looking down the aisles, looking for certain ingredients for potions she was running low on. She took some of the ingredients she needed and levitated them in the air with the rest of the things she had picked up. Malia walked down the next aisle and found some blood-replenishing potion and used her wand to levitate it with the rest of the things.

SECTUMSEMPRA  ▷ DRACO MALFOY [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now