7 || c a r e f u l

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this chapter is a 100% filler so i know, it's extremely short.


open your eyes like i opened mine, it's only the real world

           <careful by paramore


It was a couple of days later and it was the night before Malia's birthday. Draco and Malia hadn't kissed or slept in the same bed since Weaselette had taken the photo of them and it was killing him. But it seemed as if he just couldn't find the right moment. They were sat on the couch across from each other. Malia was reading and he was just staring into space, deep in thought.

They had been getting closer every day, talking about normal topics instead of talking about the past and it was just relaxing. He had realised that she was no ordinary girl he would fool around with recklessly. Not that he didn't already know that she was no simple girl because obviously, the war changed her, however, she was still funny and sarcastic, which had him like a complete fool for her.

The way her chestnut brown hair shone in the sunlight or when she laughed, it was like music to his ears. She was beautiful and there was no denying that. Anyone to say otherwise must be blind. But that wasn't all he was attracted to. She was intelligent and knew how to get what she wanted. But she was an incredibly talented witch and she was horribly underestimated. Fucking Granger took all the credit.

Draco knew that if he didn't protect her then he would never see her again.

At the battle of Hogwarts, The Dark Lord was banished to the underworld. When Harry cast the last spell, the ground broke and The Dark Lord was pulled underground by an invisible force. Everyone thought he was dead but he wasn't. He made a deal with Ruler that if he was resurrected, he would open the Underworld and unleash the Ruler and they together would kill anyone who stood in their way.

But the world didn't know that. They thought he was dead. And nobody was going to believe that he was back. Most of the Death Eaters weren't dead either. Draco didn't know how he was going to convince everyone that The Dark Lord was back and how the wizarding world could kill him this time. However, Voldemort was mortal. If they got the chance they could kill him but he was even stronger now.

He wanted to kill Malia and Draco was never going to let that happen. He thought that if he killed Malia then it would provoke Potter and lead him into the trap. The moment The Dark Lord brought up the idea, Draco nearly killed him himself. All the other Death Eaters agreed, thinking that this was a great idea but Draco was fuming.

So he would ask Draco to obtain information on her whereabouts but he had given him fake evidence. The Dark Lord grew frustrated that no one could find her but Draco would tell him that key was to be patient and that was all.

"Draco?" Draco's thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice. "Yeah?" He looked up to see Malia who had a concerned look on her face. "Are you okay?" Her eyes darted from his fists, back to his face.

"I'm fine." Draco snapped. "Fuck- sorry I never meant to snap." He apologised, reaching his hand out to touch hers. "It's okay. I see that you've got a lot on your mind right now." Malia said simply.

"I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning?" Malia stood up, pressing her book back into the bookshelf. "Yeah, okay. I'm gonna stay up a while longer if that's okay with you?" Draco asked as Malia stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah, that's fine. Just don't trash my house okay?" Malia laughed softly before walking up the stairs. "I won't!" Draco called up to her.

Draco walked over to Malia's vast bookshelf and ran his fingers over the spines of the books. But one book caught his eye. 101 Sexual Muggle Words.

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