16 || i m m o r t a l s

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they say we are what we are, but we don't have to be
<immortals by fall out boy


"Who cares about those prats? You have us now." Theo smirked, snatching the cup of tea she had just made for herself. "Theodore Nott! That was not for you!" Malia ran after him as he made himself comfy on the couch. "Oh look. It's mine now!" Theo grinned as he stuck his tongue into the tea.

Malia smacked him over the head with a nearby book and sat down across from Theo, next to Draco. "But seriously, how am I going to let them know that I'm okay?" Malia's eyebrows furrowed as Theo rolled his eyes. "You could send your Patronus?" Daphne suggested. Apart from Malia herself, Daphne was the only one who could cast a Partronus.

"I never thought of that." Malia frowned. "What is your Patronus anyway? It's sucks. None of us can produce a Patronus except for Daphne." Pansy asked, setting down her cup of tea.

"I can produce a non-corporeal one but not a corporeal one." Blaise added. "I'm going to send it now. You can see it then. Come on." Malia stood up and walked to the front door, putting her jacket on. She looked over at five Slytherins who were all still sat down. "Fine. Don't see it then." Malia shrugged, opening the front door. "No, wait. I want to see it."

The Slytherins all stood up and followed her down the stair well. Malia pushed open the door and stepped outside, the wind hitting her like a bus. The Slytherins stood behind her, watching her closely. She pulled out her want and pointed it ahead. "Expecto Patronum!"

A blue-white light slipped from her wand, forming a large dragon in front of the Ravenclaw. Malia smirked as she heard the Slytherins gasp behind her.

Malia walked towards her dragon and it bowed down before her, something it had done before. "I'd like you to convey a message to Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Luna Lovegood. Tell them that I am more than safe. I am with Draco, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini and Daphne Greengrass. I am perfectly happy where I am and do not wish them to come find me. Tell them that I will come back to them when I need be. Now go." Malia looked up as her dragon started to fly away.

(26|9|16 A/N: dude my patronus actually is a dragon)

She turned back to her friends who were still gazing at the dragon. "I didn't know that a dragon could be a Patronus." Pansy blurted. "Can we go inside, it's fucking freezing." Theo moaned, opening the door to the stairwell. They all followed behind Theo, walking up the stairs.

Theo flopped down on the couch but was quickly moved by Daphne, a scowl on his face. Malia and Draco returned to their usual position on the other couch.

It has been just over a month since Daphne had found her way to her friends. Daphne had no choice but to say with the 5 of them because Rabastan burned down her house. Malia had no problems with Daphne. Daphne was kind and the complete opposite of her friends but she still fit in.

"I'm worried for my brother and sister too." Malia frowned looking at the carpeted floor.

"For fucks sake Malia! Are you worried for the whole wizarding population?" Theo groaned, rolling his eyes. "They're my brother and sister! Wouldn't you be worried for your siblings if you had any?"

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