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all we did is suffer, why couldn't we just say?
<heaven by pvris


Elsewhere, Malia awoke in a vastly white landscape. She picked herself from the floor, looking around anxiously. She thought she recognised where she was but she couldn't be sure everything was... white.

She began to walk along the slightly defined path, Malia flinching when something caught her eye. She turned her gaze to it, a foetal looking think that was smeared in blood. It looked like it had just died. She stepped towards the thing but she stopped in her tracks when she heard a familiar voice call her name. She turned around slowly, fear rising in her as she didn't know who it was that called her name.

A brunette woman stood twenty feet away, a warm smile on her face. She was beautiful, shiny brown hair cascading from her shoulders. "Mother?" The woman nodded, holding her arms out for her. Malia felt a lump rise in her throat as she found her feet carrying her towards the woman, her heart racing.

Malia wrapped her arms around the woman and she instantly knew that this truly was her mother. "Mother, I've missed you more than you can imagine." Malia felt tears well in her eyes, hugging her mother tighter. They held each other for a moment before pulling away.

Marianna cupped her palms around Malia's jaw, smiling lovingly at her. "Words can't describe how proud of you I am. I've been with you this whole time. You've grown up to be so beautiful, kind and fair." Marianna smiled, wiping away the tear that slipped from Malia's eye.

"Now, my love, you have a decision to make." Marianna stated, pushing a piece of Malia's hair behind her ear. "I do?" Malia questioned. "You do, my love." Marianna let go of Malia's face and held her arm out, gesturing Malia to walk with her.

"You were Voldemort's last horcrux, meaning he is once again mortal. When you intercepted that killing curse, Voldemort killed that part of his soul, not yours. Much like what happened with Harry Potter."

Malia stopped for a moment, contemplating this. "So he can be killed for good now?" Malia asked. "Yes, but only with the power of two." Marianna answered, the two resuming walking. "Harry and I?" Malia asked again, Marianna nodding.

"Now, here lies your decision. You can stay here with me and not return or, you can return to life and defeat evil. As much as you know I'd love to have you here with me, I think you know the option that you must choose."

Malia went silent for a moment, weighing up her options. She could stay with her mother forever and catch up on the time she had missed growing up, or, go back to Draco and finish what was started. She desperately wanted the company of her mother but Draco meant too much for her.

"I believe you've made your decision." Marianna wrapped her arms around her daughter again, pride filling her heart. "I'll miss you, mother." Malia voice wavered, tightening her arms around her mother. "We'll be together again when you return. You have a whole life to live. Live it well. Life is too short for hate." Marianna smiled down at her daughter.

They held each other for a moment longer, before Malia had to let go. "I love you, mother." Malia let go and began walking in the opposite direction, back towards her life. "I love you too, Malia." Marianna's soft voice echoed until she could no longer hear her mother, but the harsh sounds of war.


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