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you've got hell to pay but you've already sold your soul
<blasphemy by bring me the horizon


The anger Malia felt towards Draco seemed to fade and now all she felt was sadness. She just wanted to cry. All the time. And she couldn't give a simple reason why. Surely talking to him would make her feel slightly better but her mind thought otherwise.

Malia sat with a book on her couch whilst Draco just sat staring at her. She wanted to tell him to stop but the words never seemed to come out. So Malia pretended to read to avoid interaction.

Draco stood up, moving to sit on the couch next to Malia. "Malia."

She looked up at him, staring into his eyes. "What did they do to you earlier?" Draco said quietly, almost a whisper. "It was nothing." Malia turned to look out of the window only to see her curtains. "Malia, I know you're lying."

"They didn't hurt me and that's all."

"They used the Cruciatus on you. I wouldn't say you were unhurt. Please just tell me what happened."

"It all happened in two minutes. There's nothing to tell."

"Malia, please. Just tell me."

"I was walking down Diagon Alley when two people grabbed me and pulled me into Knockturn Alley and threw me against the wall. It was Bellatrix, Dolohov and MacNair. Bellatrix wanted to know where you were and I told her I didn't know. She used the Cruciatus on me. She asked again and I said never. I managed to break free and I used stunning hexes but McNair got back up and cast a Cruciatus into my apparition." Malia breathed, not daring to look at Draco.

Draco stood up quickly and ran a hand through his platinum blonde hair. He paced the living room and muttered to himself.

"I can't let you leave on your own again. It's too dangerous." Draco mumbled, still pacing. "You hurt Bellatrix and now things will be even more dangerous. I-"

"Draco. I'm fine." Malia pulled Draco back down to sit next to her. "I mean you took two Cruciatus Curses for me and I've done nothing for you. All I've done is hurt you and tried to kill you. How can I ever-" Malia silenced him when she pulled him into a hug.

He pulled Malia tighter and she inhaled his scent. His chin rested on her head and her face was buried into his chest. Malia didn't feel angry anymore, she just missed him now. "Are okay? Truly?" Draco asked, showing no signs of letting go. Neither was she.

"I've just missed us being friends, you asshole." Malia said with a slight laugh. She heard him laugh as she felt the vibrations of his throat on her forehead. "I'm not going anywhere."


The rest of the night consisted of Draco sitting at one end of the couch, writing on a piece of parchment and Malia reading. It was a comfortable silence and Malia didn't need anything else.

There was a slight tapping on the window and Draco stood up immediately and drew his wand. "Stay."

He drew back the curtain slightly and looked out, only to see an owl, holding a letter. He opened the window and the owl dropped the letter and it flew off in a matter of seconds. "Hey, it's for you." Draco passed the letter to her and she quickly tore into it.

To Malia,

It's Hermione. I've been quite worried about you lately. When I called you, you were crying. I know you were. That's why at 8, I'm coming round before you have the chance to object.

See you soon.



Malia closed the letter and stuffed it back in the envelope. "Draco, what time is it?" Malia asked him in alarm. He pulled up his sleeve and checked his watch. "It's five minutes to eight. Why?" He asked, a puzzled look on his face. "You need to go upstairs and don't make a sound," Malia told him firmly.


"Hermione's coming at eight. She can't know you're here."

"Okay. I'll be quiet." Draco walked upstairs, shoving his wand in his pocket. Malia sighed and sat down on the couch waiting for Hermione but she never had to wait long as there was a knock on her door. Hermione's always has early.

Malia opened the door and let Hermione in. "Hey, Malia. How are you?"


Draco sat on the bed in the guest room, a muggle book in his lap. It was a huge, old book, titled 'The Complete Works Of Shakespeare' and Draco had no clue who that was. His writing still seemed old and fancy but full of detail. Draco liked the stories. Especially the one called 'Macbeth'.

Draco could hear Malia and Granger talking downstairs but he couldn't make out what it was that they were saying. It had been about 20 minutes since Granger had arrived and Granger didn't show any signs of leaving soon.

"Fucking Granger." Draco cursed under his breath.

Draco's mind drifted to Malia and how she acted earlier. He didn't understand. She was yelling at him the night before and just there she was hugging him. Would Draco ever understand?

Probably not.

There was a picture of Malia's twin brother and herself in a frame on the bedside table. Draco picked it up and examined it.

Malia's twin brother was about 4 inches taller than Malia in this picture. Draco tried to remember what her twin brother's name was but he couldn't seem it recall it.

He was Malia's twin and if Draco remembered right, he wasn't a very good brother at Hogwarts. He was a Hufflepuff and acted as if he had no time for Malia.

Draco guessed that must be different now since he stays with her sometimes.

The huge muggle book fell onto the floor with a thud. 'Fuck. I hope Granger never heard that.' Draco cursed.

Draco heard the door shut and the light footsteps ascending and he hoped it was Malia.

There was a soft knock on the door and Draco opened it to see Malia's face. "Is that Granger finally gone?" Draco asked.

"Yeah. I'm heading to bed even though it's still quite early. Goodnight Draco."


sorry for the short update :/

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