27 || d e a t h b e d s

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and on my deathbed, all i'll see is you
<deathbeds by bring me the horizon


Draco Malfoy awoke from a strong, dreamless sleep, the woman he loved curled into his side. He looked down at the brunette Ravenclaw, her small body just covered by the blanket. He shifted the strands of hair that lay across her hair, tucking them behind her ears.

In that moment, he had never thought she ever looked so beautiful.

He traced her bare shoulder with his fingers, a relaxed sigh escaping his lips. He looked to the bedside table and picked up his watch, glancing at the time.


He drew his attention back to Malia as she shifted, moving to clutch him tighter. He twisted his arm back to place his watch back on the bedside table but he knocked over his wand, causing it to roll off of the table and clatter down onto the hard floor nosily.

Malia's eyes shot open, looking rather startled. "Sorry."

"It's okay." Malia mumbled, closing her eyes again. "What time is it?" Malia murmured into his chest. "About twenty to twelve." He replied. "Twenty to twelve? We need to get up!" Malia sat up abruptly.

"We've not to be at Hogwarts until four, Malia."

"I know but we still need to have breakfast- lunch and I need to go for a bath, plus other things." Malia swung her legs over the bed, standing up. She walked over to the wardrobe, taking out a pair of skinny jeans and one of Draco's sweaters since she couldn't find her own. She swivelled around, catching Draco watching her, biting his lip.

"What? Never seen a girl before, Malfoy?" She smirked, flipping her hair for effect. He rolled his eyes, huffing. She picked up a bra from the floor, putting it on.

She put the rest of her clothes on, brushing her hair out.

She turned around to look at Draco and much to her dismay, he was still smirking at her. "There is nothing on display to smirk at now. What could you possibly be smirking at?"

"Oh, nothing." Draco grinned, Malia ready to lunge at him.

"I'm going to get lunch, hurry up and get dressed." Malia nagged before walking out of the room. She made her way through the large house towards the kitchen, the smell of food making her stomach rumble loudly.

She pushed open the door, her friends turning to look at her. Ginny and Hermione sat beside each other at the table, Pansy directly across from them. Luna stood at the stove, making pancakes.

"Merlin, I am so hungry." Malia remarked, walking over to Luna who handed her a plate silently. Malia shrugged it off and sat down next to Pansy who smirked at her.

"Not you too! Draco has smirked at me all morning!"

Pansy said nothing but made eye contact with Ginny.

"So, how was it?" Ginny asked, Hermione flushing a bright shade of red. "How was what?" Malia replied, rather puzzled.

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