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a warning to the people, the good and the evil- this is war.
   <this is war by thirty seconds to mars


Her heart pounded in her ears as she sprinted towards Professor McGonagall's quarters, her legs feeling like they could give out any second. Her hands trembled terribly- like the ground beneath her was shaking her whole body.

Once her weak legs made it to McGonagall's quarters, her tight fists pounded on the door roughly. Ragged breaths racked her body as she waited. The older witch surprised her as she opened her old wooden door, fully dressed.

"It's-" Malia began. "There is no need. Our castle needs us." McGonagall took off in the direction she had arrived in, Malia sprinting after her. She had been through a war before- but that didn't mean it was any less scary.

When they met back up with Draco, he squeezed her hip in reassurance, but not for her. Malia whipped her head around to see Pansy, Blaise, Maximus, Theo, Luna and Daphne running towards them, terrified looks on their faces.

"Reinforcements will be here any second. Please, all of you, be careful! Defend your school!" McGonagall orders before walking away in the other direction, wand raised.

"If I don't make it tonight, I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world, in fact, you are my whole world." Draco turned her to look at him, his grey eyes filled with fear.

Malia reached up and pressed her lips to his, a small tear escaping her eye. "I love you, Draco." She wrapped her arms around him and embraced him tightly, his hands trembling slightly.

"I'll defend you with my life, Malia." He murmured into her hair, his hand tracing her back. "And I'll do the same for you."

They let go begrudgingly, heading out to the barriers. Green and blue spells lit up the surface, the dark side fighting harder than ever. They'd become even more ruthless.

Once they had reached the third barrier, it was chaos. Order member's spells could get out but the dark couldn't. This gave them time to thin out Voldemort's ranks, his fighters more ferocious than before.

"Bombarda!" Malia shouted, a fiery explosion blasting death eaters into the air. She did this a few times, running around the barrier. "Incendio!" A ring of fire erupted around the barrier, Death-Eaters jumping back before they got burned.

"Reducto!" Malia screamed, multiple Death-Eaters getting blasted back, Malia returning to making explosions. Draco returned to her side again, his spells more lethal.

"They're breaking it down! Fall back!" Pansy screamed, sprinting towards the second barrier. Everyone followed suit, sprinting for their lives. The third barrier began to crack and fall away, evil seeping in from all directions.

Malia grabbed Draco's hand as they sprinted through the forest, an unforgivable narrowly missing her as they ran. As they nearly reached the shield, a Cruciatus curse hit Draco in the back, his knees buckling. His hand tightened on hers painfully as agonising waves pulsed through his body.

"Come on, Draco! We have to keep moving!" Malia used all of her strength to pull him up, throwing his arm over her shoulder. "Pansy! Help!" Malia shouted at the top of her lungs, Pansy's head whipping around as she heard the mention of her name. When her eyes stopped on them, she sprinted towards them, helping Malia pull Draco behind the shield.

She laid him down on the ground while she waited for it to pass, her heart aching painfully as she watched him suffer. "His army isn't nearly as big, but, their lethality is so much stronger." Pansy shouted to her, sending a curse though the barrier.

"Then we need to fight back ten times harder." Malia gritted her teeth, her hand stroking Draco's blonde hair. She glanced over his features again, the pain clearly beginning to pass.

"Do you feel any better?" Malia almost shouted, the noise of the battlefield was overpowering. He nodded, using Malia to bring himself to his feet. Malia bent down to hand his wand back to him as he composed himself.

"We can do this." Malia pressed a kiss to his lips quickly before returning back to sending curses into the crowd of Death-Eaters. Draco continued to send hexes though the barrier once he felt he was strong enough, angry they they made him look weak.

Malia set more fires on the side of evil, multiple shouts of pain infiltrating her ears. She wanted them gone. The screams of both Death-Eaters and the people of Hogwarts only pushed her harder, the anger inside of her raging on like a hurricane.

The dark side had taken everything from her. It made her father have to leave. It took Draco away from her when she was young, it corrupted him and his family, leaving with the aftermath of ugly scars. It took Dumbledore, Remus, Sirius, Regulus, Nymphadora, Mad-Eye Moody, her mother.

Malia was done with the dark side. She wouldn't never let them take anything from her ever again.


hey guys. long time no see? i know this is hella short but it's the best i could come up with. please leave a vote, it's really appreciated,
melody xo

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