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hello! i just wanted to give some pointers for this story. so this starts after the war. harry has won the war and voldemort was not actually killed but is presumed dead. this is set 2 years after the war and draco is 20. hermione is not a gryffindor, she is a ravenclaw. but harry and ron are still gryffindor.

malia's name is pronounced ma-lee-ah

also there will be a lot of swearing so if that bothers you then this book might not be for you. sorry. throughout the book there will be my own twists so if you don't understand them, please feel free to comment.

i also was wondering, leave what house you are in the comments because i'm curious to see what everyone is.

i used to be ravenclaw but recently i've somehow changed and became 100% slytherin so idk

14/4/16: i'm just going to apologise for how fast this moves- i didn't think so when i wrote it but now that i look but i've realised it's wayyyyy too fast. greatest apologies. and just to add that the first like 8 chapters are pretty shit and the rest are ok.

14/10/20: yeah so this was written quite a while ago and my writing has changed so much since then, but i just wanted to say that i know that the origin of voldemort in this book makes no fuckin sense lmaoooo not really sure what i was thinking to be honest but it's a bit too late now. there may be a rewrite or sequel in the future but i'm not making any promises since i haven't had much motivation in a while :((


don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man
           >hurricane by halsey


Malia Stark stared out of the window into the bland street as the trees outside were battered by the high winds. The rain crashed onto the window and leaves lay on the ground. Malia was alone. Again. Malia wondered if her mother was watching her this very moment with pity in her eyes. Her mother was killed by Voldemort, sacrificing herself to save Malia. Her father was working late that night; he soon came home to his dead wife and crying daughter.

Malia never liked pity. She didn't like the way people would look at her when they figured out her mother were dead.

Malia sat on the couch with a book about Patronus charms but she couldn't bring herself to pay attention to it. Her head was just swarming with thoughts and regrets. She wondered what Harry and Ginny were doing at this very moment. Or what Hermione and Ron were up to.

But there was only one person who always drifted into her mind.

Draco Malfoy.

He was such a complex character and sometimes she longed to take him apart and study the pieces. She wanted to know the ins-and-outs of his head and uncover the Draco she knew as a young child. She never understood him; he hid his feeling deep where no one would be able to see them surface. He wore a mask of arrogance and confidence all throughout Hogwarts years but every year when they would return for another year of learning- Malia slowly began to see his real face again.

She had never told any of the D.A or anyone about what happened between Draco and herself or, how she felt about him. He broke her heart. The moment she sat at the Ravenclaw table, he refused to talk to her. Or when he did, it would be something beyond horrible. She befriended Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley and he seemed to hate her existence even more. He called them the Golden Quartet. But, Draco was probably dead now. He became a Death-Eater and pledged his allegiance to the Dark Lord. That was a death sentence itself.

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