10 || g a r d e n

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you think my bruised knees are kinda pretty and i think your tired eyes are kinda nice
<garden by halsey


Draco's eyes opened slowly and panic spread through him. Where where they? Godric's Hollow. Everything came back to him now.

Godric's Hollow was abandoned. No one lived there anymore. Residents thought that so many bad things happened in this small village and saw it as cursed. Potter's parents remains were moved from here to the park near Diagon Alley because it didn't seem right for two saviours to be buried in a place that they couldn't be appreciated.

Draco could hear the familiar voices of Malia's friends talking downstairs but Draco had no intentions of going down there anytime soon.

Draco would probably never get used to looking down and seeing Malia sleeping next to him. He'd dreamed of it for so long, it almost seemed surreal.

Malia stirred slightly as her eyes fluttered open. "Morning." Malia grumbled before closing her eyes again. "Sleep well?" Draco asked softly, tangling his hands in her hair.

Malia mumbled something of a 'yes' as she kept her eyes shut. "We should probably get up." Draco suggested. "No, I don't want to." Malia grumbled.

"Come on, your annoying friends will moan if we don't." Draco rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and yawned. "Fine." Malia sat up and stretched, sighing.

Draco pulled his shoes on and Malia did too. Draco stood up and waited for Malia. She got up and they both took a deep breath before walking downstairs.

They both walked into the room where they all sat on the floor, talking. Malia's friends all turned round and stopped talking.

"Don't look at me like I've just killed somebody!" Draco groaned, rolling his eyes. "Wouldn't be surprised if he did." Harry muttered under his breath. "What was that Potter?"


"Thought so."

"It's too early for this bullshit, both of you." Malia grumbled, rubbing her eyes. "I second that." Ginny added. "So Malfoy, want to let us know why the hell my scar is hurting and Malia has one too?" Harry looked at Draco expectantly.

"Malia speaks Parseltongue too. You didn't know that either?" Draco shrugged. "She's supposed to be your best friend Potter?" Draco knew exactly how to push his buttons and that's what he was doing. "You're lying Malfoy. She would have told me!" Harry exclaimed.

"He's not lying Harry." Malia looked to the ground, she had hoped he would never find out.

"Why have you never told me? I thought we were supposed to be best friends?" Harry looked totally lost and so did Ron and Hermione, even though they never said anything.

"We are best friends Harry. But sometimes best friends still have secrets."

"Why would you keep something like this from us though?" Hermione stepped towards Harry, a betrayed look on her face.

"The honest truth?" Malia asked.

The three of them nodded, looking at her like she was alien. "We always knew Harry was the chosen one right? Well, for years I didn't understand, I had been marked, my birthday is in the end of July and I was able to talk to snakes. How could I ever be the chosen one? My mother died to save me, like the way Harry's mother did. My mother was killed an hour before yours Harry. Do you understand why I never told you?" Draco squeezed Malia's hand for support but it wasn't really doing much for her.

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