13 || t h e r a p y

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give me therapy, i'm a walking travesty  
       <therapy by all time low                                                                        


"Malia, you need to- when did you get here?" Malia and Draco both jumped awake when Blaise walked in, nearly dropping the tray of potions that rested in his hands. "Last night." Draco sat up groggily, sending daggers to Blaise.

"Could have let us know mate." Blaise set the potions tray down on the desk, suspiciously looking at Malia and Draco. "I live here." Draco deadpanned. "You did leave; but anyway, you should probably let Pansy know you're home. I'm glad you're back." Blaise still stared at them.

"Nice to see you too, but can you just leave right now?" Draco glared at him. "Draco!" Malia slapped his arm but he seemed unfazed. "I'm used to his mood swings, we've been friends for years."

"That's great, Blaise, but can you clear out?" Blaise rolled his eyes before walking out, slamming the door.

Draco fell back down on the bed and groaned, pulling the covers over his face. "You should talk to Pansy, Draco. She's been worried about you." Malia pulled the covers away from his face. "Fuck Pansy. I just want to sleep forever. With you." Draco pulled her back down to lie face-to-face with him. "You can't sleep forever."

"Watch me."

"Come on. I'm hungry." Malia sat up but she was once again pulled back down by Draco. "Draco, come on!" Malia laughed, sitting up again. She got up and out of the bed and picked up her clothes that sat on the chair. She walked into the bathroom that was connected to Draco's room and locked the door. She'd learned Draco had a thing about walking in on people who were getting dressed.

She changed out of the shorts Pansy had lent her and put on her jeans, and changed her top. Malia didn't bother brushing her hair or anything like that, she didn't really care much for that. Malia looked in the mirror and saw a small bruise forming on her neck. Draco liked to leave his mark and that- he certainly did. She rolled her eyes as she imagined what Theo would say. She could easily hide it with her hair, though.

She walked back out of the bathroom to see Draco still in bed. Malia walked over and pulled the covers back, earning an angry groan from Draco. She lifted his arm and pulled on in, but he wouldn't budge.


"Fine! I'm getting up!" Draco dragged himself out of bed- he was still wearing all of his clothes and he didn't seem to want to change. Malia opened Draco's bedroom door and saw Pansy, Theo and Blaise all sitting on the couches. Malia walked over and sat herself down next to Pansy who hadn't noticed Draco yet. 

"Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me." Draco smirked as the three Slytherins looked up at him. Blaise didn't seem that fazed as he already knew of Draco's presence. Pansy looked up at him and her mouth dropped. "Draco Malfoy! You said you'd send owls to check in with us but I have not received anything from you!" Pansy smacked him upside the head and Malia couldn't help but stifle a laugh. 

"What are you? My mum? Shut up Pansy." Draco sat down next to Malia, taking Pansy's seat; forcing Pansy to sit next to Theo.

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