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Malia Stark had always wanted to visit New York City ever since she was young, the skyscrapers and the bustling lights were so attractive to her. Draco, on the other hand, had no interest in travelling there and hated how busy with useless muggles it was.

But, Draco couldn't think of a better place to propose to her.

It was early September of the year 2000 and the sun was just about to set, Draco's nerves soaring like a bird. Malia had wanted to go up the Empire State Building before it closed for the day, the perfect opportunity. Draco was still trying to work out how the muggle technology worked, this contraption called an 'elevator' seemed like a complete and utter death trap.

Once they had reached the top, the height they were standing from was utterly terrifying but it was indescribably beautiful. But, the fear of rejection clouded his mind. What if she said no? What if she wasn't ready for this?

Draco pushed his intrusive thoughts away, trying to hopefully think positively. Draco watched the dark-haired girl as she gazed over the bustling city, the orange tones from the sun making her look flawless. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek, the only thing he could think of was his burning love for the girl he had been hopelessly loved his entire life.

It was time.

"Malia, you know that you are the only thing in the world that matters to me, and for the rest of my life, I promise that I will look after you, protect you, care for you- love you. There is no one in this entire universe that makes me feel the way you do. You are the light to my darkness and the sun to my moon." He felt around this back pocket, the small leather box present. He lifted it out and bent his knee onto the concrete, his heart almost at his feet.

Malia's lips tugged up, a huge smile on her face. "Will you marry me, Malia Stark?"

"Yes! Of course!" Malia exclaimed, throwing her arms around him. Once she let go, Draco gently took her hand and slid the ring onto her slender finger, the ring thankfully fitting perfectly much to Draco's relief. The ring had a large diamond in the middle with two sapphires, and two emeralds surrounding it. The union of a Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

Draco looked at the golden sun shine down on Malia's face and in that moment, he couldn't be any happier.


As Malia Malfoy sat on the edge of her bathtub, her mind was spinning with fear, excitement and maybe a hint of dread. Ginny Potter's words circled her head a million times but she was still sceptical. She looked down at the small plastic rod in her hands, the small plus staring back at her intensely.

Tell him.

But she was terrified. What if he didn't want this? What would she do? There was only one way to find out.

She put the test into the cabinet and looked into the mirror, composing herself. She unlocked the door and jogged down the staircase of their newly bought home, shivers running down her spine.

Draco Malfoy was sat in the kitchen with a coffee and a pile of paperwork, looking utterly bored. His grey eyes lit up when he saw her as they always did, even now.

She sat herself on the chair diagonal from him, a smile pulling its way onto his face. "What are you working on?" Malia asked, nervously tucking her hair behind her ear. "We finally have a lead on Greyback but, I'm the one who has to fill out the reports." Draco huffed, rubbing his eyes.

He sat up and looked at her, his eyes moving to her hands. "Malia, your hands are shaking. What's wrong?" Draco pulled his chair closer to her, taking her hands. "There's nothing wrong but there's something you should know." Malia murmured, watching him as he tilted his head in confusion.

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