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would you pin me to a wall, would you beg or would you crawl? stick a needle in your hungry eyes for me?
           <trouble by halsey


Draco dislodged himself from Malia and placed a pillow under her successfully, pulling his clothes on and rushing downstairs before Malia woke up. He stepped into the fireplace and grabbed a handful of Floo Powder before announcing quietly 'Diagon Alley'.

Draco had changed his hair colour and wore a hat to hide his face so he wouldn't be recognised but this was risky.

He arrived in a puff of green fire and set off towards the bookstore. He pushed the door open, the familiar bell ringing. He looked for the muggle books section and searched for the books that Malia yearned for.

He didn't know the name and Malia could wake up any minute so he needed to find these books quickly.

What did the book look like again?

He retraced their steps from that day and ran his fingers along the spines of the books. He remembered it had a sand coloured cover. He could remember seeing the author name but he just couldn't recall it.

Draco looked again and spotted a sandy coloured book sitting with others that had the same design. He pulled it out and studied it. This was it.

'A Game Of Thrones, George R. R. Martin'

Draco looked at the books that were next to it that seemed to have similar design and had the author's name on them. Sequels maybe?

He grabbed them regardless and rushed to the counter and set them down. "Ah, the 'A Song Of Ice and Fire' books? Best Muggle books in the whole Muggle world. What would the Draco Malfoy be doing buying books, especially Muggle ones? They for you?" The old man behind the counter looked at Draco with a hint of suspicion but asked him none the less. Draco's eyes widened in alarm, how did he know?

"You've got the wrong guy. And besides, They're a present for my- friend." He glared at the man. "Would you like them wrapped?'


The man looked at him in a suspicious way which was really starting to get on his nerves.

"9 Galleons."

He dug around in his pockets and pulled out 9 Galleons. Draco handed them to him quickly before grabbing the bag that the man had put the books in and rushed out.

Draco sped up the street and stepped in the fireplace, throwing the Floo Powder onto himself.

(a/n: i'm so sorry that was so rushed, i really wanted to get that bit over and done with.)

Draco found himself back in Malia's house and quickly stepped upstairs. He peeked into Malia's room and she was still soundly sleeping, clutching the pillow. He opened the door quietly and set the books down her bedside table softly. He sat down on the bed and looked at Malia's sleeping face.

Her everlasting frown was gone, her features relaxed. Her chestnut hair was messy and spread around the bed, sticking up in random places. He shook her slightly to wake her but she didn't even stir.

SECTUMSEMPRA  ▷ DRACO MALFOY [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now