30 || b l o o d s t r e a m

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white hot adrenaline baby, in my veins, you got me praying
    <bloodstream by transviolet


Malia smiled almost menacingly as her brown eyes skimmed the bodies of stunned or deceased Death-Eaters, waves of anger rippling over her dangerously. How could any wizard or witch think that to kill their own people was the right thing to do? She'd never understood the reasons behind those decisions.

Her blood boiled as she sent hex after hex at Death-Eaters, angry yells escaping her throat as her hexes blasted into their chests.

Draco fought alongside her, a different kind of anger that was fluid in his movements. The dark had stolen his childhood- his future. Draco deserved his payback as much as she did. Adrenaline flowed through her veins, her heart pounding with a fierce pace.

Explosions made her ears ring as she flew her wand out time and time again, a sense of success as she watched Death-Eater after Death-Eater fall in front of her. Drace grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the staircase, a gasp leaving her lips as a brick narrowly missed her head.

"Oh nephew! Running away from your dear aunt?" Draco and Malia stopped in their tracks, Malia's eyes meeting his as she watched the flames of anger rise in his eyes. They turned around slowly with their wands pointed at her, Bellatrix's face again plastered with a delusional look of happiness. "Never auntie." Draco spat venomously.

"Such a pity. You could have been great at the Dark Lord's side. You were lethal. Look at you now; weak." Bellatrix cooed, drawing her wand. Draco's hand left Malia's and curled into a fist, Malia feeling the rage radiating from him. "What would you know about greatness, Auntie? The Dark Lord has found you insufferable from the beginning. He's only kept you around because you'll do anything for him. You're nothing to him." Draco answered, keeping his cool.

Rage spilt onto Bellatrix's face as she let out a low growl and threw her wand forward and cast a Cruciatus. Draco and Malia barely dodged the curse, Malia diving off to the right. Draco was quick to compose himself and send a hex back which Bellatrix blocked, a vicious smile spreading across her face. Her counterattack caused a blast to explode next to Malia, making her lose her balance and fall over the edge of the hole on the floor.

"Malia!" Draco yelled as he blocked Bellatrix's attack. Malia's heart pounded as she held onto the edge with all her strength. The concrete was coarse on her hands- she wasn't sure how long she could hold on for. "Just finish her off Draco! I'll be fine!" Malia grunted, digging her fingers in more. She tried not to flinch as blasts erupted all around her, and it didn't help that she couldn't see what was going on.

Sweat started to form on her brow as her muscles began to shake, an ache starting to set in. She looked down anxiously, a ragged breath escaping her lips. It wasn't that far from the ground if she fell- but it would definitely result in a broken bone.

Her fingers began to slip, Malia desperately tried to claw herself back up but it wasn't working. She was going down- fast. "Draco, I can't hold on!" Malia cried, her left hand slipping off the edge. She couldn't hold on.

"Malia! I'm coming!" But it was too late- Malia had already slipped off the edge.


Pansy and Blaise fought side by side with an intense ferocity, hexes flying from their wands left, right and centre. It was almost odd that they were on the Order's side now, many of the people they were hexing had been close colleagues of theirs.

Pansy's heart pounded almost painfully, adrenaline pumping through her veins like a drug. She felt she was a little rusty with her fighting, she had been offside for quite a while now.

Blaise felt fear overcome like never before. This was unlike him. He never felt fear like this on the battlefield. However, it was different this time. He was on the other side now, and daresay, more things to care about now. He caught a death-eater at the corner of his eye run into the room but Blaise blasted him to the wall without another thought.


Pansy and Blaise both turned to look at each other in realisation of what they just heard. It could have only been Draco. They both nodded in understanding and darted in the direction they heard the shout.

They reached the staircase, the two stopping dead in their tracks when they saw a familiar blonde-haired figure clutching at body at the bottom. Pansy felt a lump rise in her throat as she almost threw herself down the steps to get to them.

"Draco!" Blaise called, following suit behind Pansy. Draco turned his head, his hard face softening when he saw the pair. Pansy gasped as she realised it was Malia he was clutching, throwing herself onto her knees next to him. "Is she..." Pansy trailed off.

"She's alive but she fell from quite a height. I've mended her broken bones but she hasn't woken up yet." Draco tried to disguise the tremor in his voice, his hand brushing her cheek. Relief poured into Pansy's mind like a tsunami.

"Here, Draco, I brought some healing potions with me. These should fix whatever is going on internally and hopefully wake her." Blaise pulled his bag off and dug his arm around inside. He pulled out two clear phials from his bag, handing them over to Draco. He popped the corks off and tipped them into Malia's mouth gently.

The trio watched her intently with pounding hearts, hoping that the potions would work. Sighs of relief left them when Malia's eyes began to flutter open, her hand tightening on Draco's. Her eyes wandered forgetfully, confusion building in her eyes.

"What happened?" Malia asked, Draco's heart swelling. "You fell from up there." Draco pointed upwards to a hole in the ceiling. "It was my fault. I couldn't get to you in time."

Malia pressed a finger to Draco's lips, quieting him. "It doesn't matter. I'm alive. That's all that  matters." Malia smiled up at him, her hand brushing his cheek. Draco brought his lips down and kissed her softly, treating her like a fragile object that could break any moment.

"We have your friends. We have their lives in our hands. How easily one could lose one of those lives. Harry Potter and Malia Stark, surrender yourselves and your friends keep their precious lives. You have ten minutes."

The quartet stared at each other with fear, Malia knowing exactly what she needed to do.

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