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i know you'll find your own way, when i'm not with you tonight
<fiction by avenged sevenfold


"Draco, Andromeda and Teddy are coming over soon- for the love of Merlin, put a shirt on!" Malia yelled from the bathroom, dragging a brush through her hair. Malia looked to the doorway from the mirror, where Draco leaned.

"Malia, I don't think I can."

"What do you mean you can't put a shirt on- oh." Malia turned round, sending him a sympathetic look. Malia put down the brush and walked towards him. "We've gone over this. I know you're worried about Andromeda hating you but- I forgot to mention this last night but Andromeda asked about you about a month before you showed up. Of course, I told her that I had no idea but she said she knew she didn't have a relationship with you at all but she was worried for you." Malia smiled as she saw Draco's frown soften.


"Draco, you know I wouldn't lie. Now go and put a shirt on. She'll be here any minute." Malia pushed Draco out of the bathroom and returned to the mirror. She plaited the two small side pieces of her hair and pulled them back, holding them in place.

Malia turned around when the door was knocked but she heard Draco answer it. "Malia, Weaselette has informed us that Andromeda is here!" Draco yelled from the bedroom, closing the door, presumably in Ginny's face.

"Okay!" Malia replied, putting the brush down and walking out of the bathroom. Draco looked nervous and was running a hand through his hair, pacing slightly. Malia held out her hand to him and he took it, Malia leading him out of their bedroom. "Just be yourself." Malia kissed him on the cheek quickly before pulling him to the staircase.

He stopped again, Malia turning around, giving him a quizzical look. "Malia I- it's my fault Nymphadora and Lupin are dead. How could Andromeda even bare to look at me, hell, I even wonder why you want to breathe the same air as me."

"Draco, it's because I love you. You know this. And Andromeda doesn't blame you. You never killed them and Andromeda knows that you were never committed to Voldemort's cause. Andromeda just wants to be close to one of the very few relatives she has left. Come on. Let's not keep her waiting." Malia pushed herself up onto the tips of her toes, pressing her lips to his. He responded softly, Malia pulling away all too soon.

She took his hand again, the two walking down the staircase. Malia twisted the handle on the door- not letting go of Draco's hand- and pushed it open. Pansy, Blaise and Theo all sat on one couch, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione on the other and Andromeda was seated next to Marietta and Orion, Teddy by her side.

All of them looked up at Draco and Malia, Andromeda's eyes softening. She stood up, walking over to Draco and Malia. Andromeda wrapped her arms around Draco suddenly, his fingers slipping away from Malia's as he hesitantly embraced Andromeda. She pulled away, Draco feeling more than slightly awkward.

"I'm so glad I finally get to see you again. You and Narcissa are my only family left. Apart from Teddy of course."

"I'm glad to see you too." Draco discreetly reached out to Malia again, Malia knowing he was feeling extremely nervous but also guilty. "It's so good to see you again, Malia. Your brother was asking for you. He said he's been so busy with Order missions that he hasn't had any time to visit." Andromeda hugged her, Malia still lightly holding Draco's hand.

"Thank you, Andromeda."

Draco and Malia took the extra space on the couch next to the Slytherins, Harry shooting her a look. "Auntie Malia!" Teddy ran and jumped onto her, Malia grunting in pain as he dug his elbow into her abdomen. "I've missed you! You didn't come visit like you promised!"

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