25 || u l t r a v i o l e n c e

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'cause i was filled with poison but blessed with beauty and rage
        <ultraviolence by lana del rey


"So what are we?" Pansy asked, her stomach growling nervously. "Does it really matter?" Maximus was hunched over the kitchen counter- his back to Pansy. "Yes, it does." Pansy insisted, looking towards the ground.

"Pansy, I- I don't know." Maximus admitted. "I'm not playing this game anymore. Not with anyone, and especially not you. I either mean something to you or I don't." Pansy's voice cracked lightly but Maximus didn't seem to notice.

"Pansy, you do mean something to me, but we're not right for each other."

"Who says?" Pansy demanded, running her hand up his arm. Maximus hesitated, not sure what to say. He never really had an answer. "Exactly. Nobody. Who's going to stop us? Malia isn't, Draco isn't, Theo isn't, Blaise isn't- so what's really the problem?" Pansy pushed.

"It's not that-"

"Then what is it!?" Pansy exclaimed, sick of not having any answers. "I can't get close to anyone, okay! They all just die or leave or I drive them away!" Maximus yelled, turning his back to her.

She sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't." He slapped her hand away.

Both of their heads turned when Draco walked in, the Daily Prophet in hand. He looked up and saw the two, his eyebrow raising suspiciously. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Go away, Malfoy-" Pansy cut him off. "Can you leave us for a bit? Maximus and I need to talk about something." Pansy said nicely. Draco raised his hands in surrender. "I only need to make that honey tea shit, Malia isn't feeling well." Draco replied, walking over to the kettle.

Draco drummed his hands on the counter annoyingly, trying to fill the awkward silence that has fallen on them all. "So-"

"Not today, Malfoy." Maximus growled, Draco rolling his eyes. Pansy shrugged to him, Draco's eyes darting between Pansy and Maximus. Draco quickly poured the tea and picked it up, walking out- feeling rather attacked.

As soon as Draco left, Maximus let go of his breath; as if he'd been holding it the whole time. "Max-"

"I know what you're going to say- and the answer is I don't know."


"Don't push your luck, Draco Malfoy." Malia snipped as she batted his hand away from her bum. "I'm not feeling well."

Draco groaned in frustration, utterly bored.

He picked up the Daily Prophet that he had carelessly dropped on the floor after he was shooed from the kitchen. The front cover was bloody Potter. As per usual. He flicked through the first few pages when one of the pages made his eyes nearly fall out.

Ravenclaw War Heroine Malia Stark Engaaged?

Famous quidditch player, war heroine and princess of Ravenclaw Malia Stark has been spotted several times sporting a diamond ring on her finger, a large one at that. She has been seen on several occasions recently wearing this ring.

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