24 || p l a s t i c

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excuse me for my plastic taste, let this moment go to waste
      <plastic taste by joji


Malia woke up once again in the middle of the night, the other side of the bed absent. This has been the forth time this week and now worry was starting to suffocate her. She heard the gush of water from the bathroom tap as she sat up. The glowing light of the bathroom under the door was bright to her darkness-accustomed eyes, the slight shadows of his feet blocking the door.

The sound of the tap ceased and the door creaked open, the dark shadow of Draco Malfoy stumbling out. It was pitch black in their bedroom, Malia having closed the blinds and curtains only a few hours before. He slipped back into bed, clearly thinking Malia was deeply asleep.

He sniffed loudly, taking slow, unsteady breaths. Malia has thought that maybe because he had throughly enjoyed himself last night, the nightmares might have ceased- but she was wrong.

"Are you okay?" Malia whispered, rolling onto her side. He responded physically by shifting closer to her, burying his face into her chest. "Please talk to me about them. You don't need to do this alone. You know you don't." Malia murmured against his forehead.

"I love you more than anything and I'm always here for you. Please let me help you." Malia kissed his forehead, hugging him tighter.

He never replied.


Malia helped Marietta with the breakfast that morning, Draco still in bed. He had finally fallen asleep dreamlessly, so she has decided just to let him sleep because he needed it more than anything. She thought that he was looking awfully tired- almost like in Sixth Year.

Malia laid out plates as Marietta stood at the stove, humming softly. Malia sighed quietly, taking out the toast as it popped. Thoughts swirled in her head as she handed Marietta the plates.

Marietta had made her signature pancakes with honey, Malia savouring the smell.

She picked up a tray and a plate with pancakes on it, placing it on the tray. She filled up a glass of water and put it on the tray, levitating it wordlessly.

Malia thanked Marietta silently on her way out of the kitchen, Marietta nodding softly. Malia walked up the staircase, making her way to their bedroom. She pushed open the door carefully, the levitating food flowing through.

She closed the door quietly and stepped silently towards the bed, sitting down softly. His eyes shot open, Malia cursing herself in her head. "I brought you breakfast." Malia whispered, the food still floating by her head. He sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"You should have woken me earlier." Draco murmured unclearly as Malia magically set the food in his lap. She slid back into bed next to him, resting her back against the headboard.

"You looked peaceful. You never sleep properly-" Malia paused. "I thought you would have getting better over the last few months but I was wrong." Malia's head swam with guilt, felling utterly hopeless that there was nothing she could do to help him.

Sleeping draughts were and option but Draco had mentioned that they made him feel irritable; so he preferred to not use them.

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