31 || m i n e

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i would give it all back for the chance to start over and rewrite an ending or two
<she used to be mine by jessie mueller


The blood drained from Malia's face as she stood up, her eyes darkening. Her friend's lives- or her own. The decision wasn't hard.

"You can't seriously be considering this Malia." Draco's voice wavered, lifting himself from the ground to meet her eyes. She had no choice. It was time. "I have to, Draco. I can't let my friends give up their lives for me." Malia replied, trying her best to not let the lump in her throat rise. "You don't have to, Malia. We can find another way-" Malia shook her head. "There isn't, Pansy. You all mean the world to me. You just have to promise me you'll finish this." Malia looked sadly at Pansy who looked equally upset.

"I'm not letting you do this. You're not leaving me." Draco's voice cracked, a rogue tear slipping from his grey eyes. She placed her palms on his face, wiping away the tear. "If there was another way, I would follow it through but there just isn't. I love you, Draco. More than anyone or anything in this entire universe. I wish we had more time." Malia was now the one to have a tear slip down her cheek.

"We can have more time, you don't have to do this. I can protect you and our friends-"

"Draco, stop." Malia shushed him, pressing her lips to his forehead. "I need to end this. Our friend's lives are on the line. You have to understand." Malia pleaded, more tears spilling from her eyes. "You have to end this war, Draco." Malia sniffed.

"Malia, please don't do this." Draco said again, a sob escaping his lips. Malia sighed and choked back her sobs, pressing her lips to his one last time. A warm feeling filled her heart as she felt Pansy and Blaise curl around them in a joint hug. "I'm going to miss you, Malia. You've made me realise what it means to let people in and for that, I can never repay you." Pansy's voice also wavered like she was holding back her sobs, Malia finding it even harder to hold in her tears.

They all let go as they heard fast footfalls approach them, Malia looking up to see Harry, Ginny and Hermione. "Malia..." Harry trailed off. "It's okay, Harry. I know what I have to do." Malia answered, letting go of Draco, Blaise and Pansy.

"I'm not ready to die a second time. I won't come back this time." Harry said quietly, tears falling from his eyes. Malia looked over to Ginny who burst into tears, throwing herself at Harry. "Who do they have?" Malia asked, her hands shaking.

"They have Luna, Theo, Daphne, Neville and Ron." Hermione replied, her voice wavering as she said Ron's name. "We're going to get them back, I promise Hermione." Malia went in to hug Hermione who hugged back tightly.

"You can't do this, Malia. There must be another way we can do this." Ginny sobbed, throwing her arms around Malia. "I have to do this for our friends." Malia's bottom lip began to tremble again, clutching Ginny tightly.

"Harry, it's time." Malia let go of Ginny softly, looking at Harry in despair. Harry nodded, wiping stray tears away from his face. Malia turned to Draco who looked at the ground in disbelief, his eyes red.

Malia ran her finger across his cheek, curing her arms around him. "I love you." Malia whispered. Draco lifted her chin and kissed her softly, his lips trembling. "I'll always love you, Malia Stark. You're the only one for me." Draco replied, choked sobs filling his words.

She took his hand and they walked towards the courtyard, their friends in tow.

Once they reached the courtyard, it was just as she feared. Their friends were all being held at wandpoint, the good people of the war on one side looking worried. "Ah. They've arrived."

Voldemort sneered from across the courtyard, twirling his dark wand in his long grey fingers. "Draco Malfoy. The wizarding world's biggest disappointment. You were great at my side. However, you betrayed me- and for that, you will pay with your life." Voldemort taunted, grinning evilly.

Draco dropped Malia's hand and drew his wand. "Not if I have something to say about it, you noseless bastard." Draco charged at him, wand drawn. Malia's heart dropped to her stomach. He was going to get himself killed, she couldn't let that happen.

She charged after him, all oxygen leaving her when she heard him begin to utter those fateful words.

"Avada Kadavra!" Malia didn't realise it was her who screamed as she dived at Draco, shoving Draco out of the line of the spell, making him tumble to the floor- but, she didn't escape it.

Malia fell to the floor lifeless, with a thud. Draco scrambled to his feet, realising what had just happened. He turned around and saw his lover's body on the floor, his heart exploding. She saved him. He sank to his knees, scooping her up into his arms. Loud sobs racked his body as he looks down at her closed eyes, his fingers wiping away the speck of dirt on her cheek. "No..." Draco sobbed, his whole body trembling.

Draco was wrapped up in holding Malia that he didn't realise what was happening around him. Voldemort screamed in pain and fell to his knees as he lost the last bit of power he had, realising what he had done.

Everything around Draco was a blur, he could hear shouts all around him but they didn't matter. He had just lost her. His world. Life would never be the same again. There wasn't anything worth living for.

"Protego!" Pansy and Blaise yelled in unison as they dived in front of Draco, protecting him from the barrage of spells that had began to come from all directions. "Draco! Snap out of it!" Pansy exclaimed, trying her best to look at Draco and keep her spell going. Draco looked up, finally realising what was going on around him.

"Draco, check her pulse!" Blaise yelled, a hopeful look on his face. "Why? She's gone!" Draco replied, tears dropping on to Malia's face. "Just do it, Draco! Did you not see what just happened? She's the last horcrux! What happened with Harry that night that he surrendered himself must have happened to Malia too. He only purged his own life from her, not her own." Pansy pushed harder into her spell, blasts of red light hitting the magical shield.

He looked down at her in disbelief, lowering his ear to her chest. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

A slow but steady heartbeat.

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