18 || p o l a r i z e

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wanted to be a better adversary for the evil i have done
<polarise by twenty øne piløts


Malia, Draco, Blaise, Pansy and Theo all sat on the one couch, waiting nervously for Kingsley and McGonagall. Daphne had left early in the morning to meet Tracy Davis as she was already in the Order.

Marietta and Orion were in the kitchens, preparing tea for Kingsley and McGonagall. "Let me do the talking. And be polite." Malia said loudly, intertwining her fingers with Draco's. "What do you mean by polite? I am always polite and well mannered." Theo stuck his nose up arrogantly.

Draco scoffed, looking at Theo in annoyance. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Theo." Blaise replied, expressionlessly.

Malia zoned back in again when the doorbell rang and Malia stood up quickly to answer it. Malia opened the door and smiled at McGonagall and Shacklebolt. "Come in." Malia opened the door wider and let them in, closing it behind them.

Malia lead them into the lounge, motioning McGonagall and Shacklebolt to sit before sitting back down in her place next to Draco. He grabbed her hand again, resting them on Draco's lap.

McGonagall looked at the two in confusion- which wasn't an emotion you saw on Minerva McGonagall often. Shacklebolt looked at the Slytherins sternly with almost a hint of disgust.

"Why in Merlin's name, should we trust you? You are all inner circle Death-Eaters and you-" Shacklebolt pointed at Draco. "Are second in command. If I had my way, you'd all be in cells." Shacklebolt spat, a hand resting on his wand.

"Kingsley, please. These people are my friends and I would rather you didn't offend them. They are here to offer their allegiance, not to be insulted." Malia spoke in a forced tone, trying to be polite.

Everyone in the room jumped when the lounge door burst open, Harry, Ginny, Luna and Hermione running in. "Sorry we're late, McGonagall." Harry muttered as he and the rest sat down in chairs.

"Must I remind you, Malia Stark, that these people are Death-Eaters and do not deserve any courtesies- so watch the way you speak to your superiors or I can surely reconsider your place here." Shacklebolt snapped venomously, Draco squeezing her hand.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that." Draco growled, looking at Shacklebolt with a look that could kill. "I suggest-"

"That's enough, Shacklebolt." McGonagall cut in, looking rather tired. "We just need to know that you can be trusted and that you well serve us well. When the rest of the Order find out about your defection, there were many... mixed reactions."

"Please McGonagall. They're my friends. They would never betray us. All of them were pushed into this, not by choice." Malia cried, looking for some sort of agreement in McGonagall's eyes. "I cannot promise anything, Miss Stark, but they just haven't defected soon enough. After Voldemort's defeat, they did not come forward to answer for their crimes, or defect when the war restarted. Mr Malfoy, Miss Parkinson, Mr Nott, Mr Zabini, I am sure that you are capable of good and have left your Death-Eater paths behind but I just don't know if you can be trusted." McGonagall sighed, looking at the Slytherins with a stern look.

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