6 || d o o m e d

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i think we're doomed and now there's no way back
              <doomed by bring me the horizon


The next two hours consisted of Malia comforting Draco. He pretty much just lost his mother a second time and she couldn't imagine what he was feeling. Malia's father was in Australia after she had him swear to protect Hermione's parents. Hermione obliviated her parents but Malia didn't. He'd swore he'd restore their memories in 10 years when Malia definitely knew it was safe. So in a way Malia was lucky because she knew he was safe. Malia had never met her mother. Well, not really. On the same night Harry's parents were killed, Voldemort went to kill Malia's too. Her mother was watching her that night while her father worked late at the Ministry. Voldemort killed Malia's mother and expected her father to be there but he wasn't. Malia's mother was killed trying to save her but as it turns out, ironically, Voldemort didn't actually need to kill Malia and thought she wasn't worth the energy. He however cursed Malia and she was left with a scar on her neck, vowing to finish Malia off one day. Leaving her brother untouched.

Malia was trying to cheer him up by doing anything she could and now that night was falling, she was running out of ideas. They were currently sat in the 'drawing room' as Draco called it and Malia was sat at the piano and Draco watched, his dark silver orbs watching her every move.

Malia played all the classical pieces she knew like Fur Elise and Moonlight Sonata and any others that come to mind. Every time she started playing, she would feel Draco's cold but beautiful eyes bore into her, like he was studying everything she did.

Draco stood up suddenly and walked behind her, making her nervous. Not in a scared way though. "Can you teach me?" Draco asked, in a quiet, slow voice.

Malia moved her butt along the piano stool and patted the empty space, motioning Draco to sit. He sat down and his eyes trailed the keys, like they were some sort of puzzle. "Copy what I do." Malia played the first part simply and slowly, so he can memorise it.

He copies most of the right notes but presses the wrong ones a couple of times and Malia couldn't help but laugh softly at the wrong notes. "Don't laugh at me. I'm learning." Malia finally saw a smile crack from Draco as he pouted.

Never did I ever think I would be teaching Draco Malfoy piano in a deserted home with a pouting Draco. If you'd told me a month ago that I would be doing this then I would have just laughed and told you to fuck off.

She replayed the notes and Draco got them right this time. Malia clapped lightly as Draco looked proud of himself.

Or if you'd told me that all my feelings for Draco that I once had would reappear, I would have scoffed and walked away.

"What's the next bit?" Draco asked, playing the first bit with ease now. Malia slowly played the next bit, which was a bit harder but she knew Draco would see it as a challenge.

But Draco wasn't looking at the piano at all. He was looking at her. Malia stopped playing and looked back at him. "I thought you wanted to learn to play?" She laughed softly.

"You're all I want." Draco whispered.

And before Malia knew it, his lips were on hers.

He pulled her closer to him and tangled his hands in her hair. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and she had no intentions of pulling away. And it seemed Draco didn't either.

When she finally pulled away, her lips felt like they were on fire in the best way possible. Their foreheads were pressed against each other and they were both gasping for breath. Not that breathing even seemed relevant anymore. Malia never wanted this moment to end.

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