chapter thirty three

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"Stella?" I gulp when I see Ashton. I realize that he is literally in front of me looking red as hell and clearly he is very mad. I look at Stella and she's just as speechless as me. She reaches for my hand under the table and she squeezes it very tightly.

"Um," she looks at me for help but I have no idea what to say.

"Nice outfit you have," I blurt out. I mentally slap myself because out of all things I say I have to say that.  Stella looks at me and I feel her slap my arm.

"Care to explain Stella?" Ashton looks at me and than to my family. "Sorry for interrupting like this, she just never told me she would be here." I look at Ben and Jack and they seem pretty occupied with their girlfriends right now.

"Mum, Dad, we will be back." I grab Stella's hand and have Ashton follow me. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask Ashton.

"Are you serious right now?! What the hell are you  doing here? With Stella too!" I look at Stella and she is just as quiet as a mouse.

"Ashton please, I was just having a nice time with Luke's family, no big deal really," She shrugged. Ashton rolled his eyes at her, she shrugged again and left Ashton and I.

"What are you planning to do with her?"

I gave him a puzzled look, "What do you mean?" He starts humming to Justin Bieber's song and I lightly chuckle.

"I mean, why are you doing this to her, she's only a teenage girl." He looks at Stella and I see the way he looks at her, he adores her like she's his little sister.

"Well Ashton this does not concern you at all," I scoff. He is about to speak but I just leave. 

I walk back to the table and our food is on the table and I smile as I see Stella praying. Her eyes are closed and her head is in a bowing position. My mum looks at her and I notice a faint smile. She likes her a little but I can tell the fact that she's my student is holding her back.

I put my hand on Stella's knee and she opens her eyes and does the sign of the cross before smiling at me.  She kisses my cheek quickly before eating her food.



We finish brunch and we all split the price, Luke paid for me because he said he didn't wanna look like a loser.

"Did you guys want to see the Big Ben?" I look at Andy and I shrug. I honestly seen ever tour site in England.

I look at everyone and I notice that they're all touchy with each other. Like every one is except Luke and I. Luke's on his phone texting away and I'm just looking at my surroundings.

"So Hailey, what do you do for a living?" I look at her and she smiles.

"I work at the pet shop, across LuLu's bake shop." I nod and look up at Luke. He's still on his damn phone. I see Jack look at me and then to Luke. He shakes his head before speaking up.

"Luke," he says. Luke Luke's up at his brother, "pay attention to your girl or someone else might." With that I silently thank Jack.

Luke finally pays attention to me. He locks his phone and shoves it in the back of his black skinny jeans. He gives me a light kiss on the forehead.

"Oh look," he points to the Big Ben, "it's the giant Ben!" I burst out laughing.

He laces our fingers together before giving me a confused look. "What?" I shake my head at him.

"You mean the Big Ben?"

He shrugs at me, "Same thing baby girl." He points at a hole bunch of things that makes me laugh.

Hours later with his family we finally get some ice cream. We are all sitting down chatting until Ben points something out.

"Jesus Stel, did you give him that?" I look at Luke and than Ben.

"What are you talking about?" I lick my strawberry ice cream again and he points at his own neck.

"It's huge!" Everyone looks at Luke's neck and I do too. I almost drop my ice cream. I did not, and I mean did not, give him that. Luke and I haven't touched each other for a few days.

Clearly the look on my face made everyone get quiet. Ben looked almost sorry as I finished my ice cream. Luke grabbed my hand quickly but I didn't allow it. I will not allow him to do this.

After everyone was done with their ice cream we all decided to go home. The tension between Luke and I was very high. As I got in the car with him Luke opened his mouth to talk but I didn't wanna hear it.

"Just shut the fûck up Luke, I wanna go home." I put my seatbelt on and so did he.

"Stella-" I cut him off by turning on the radio an making the music go to a loud volume so i can't hear him.

He lowers the music before driving, "Stella just let me explain damn it!" His knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel very tightly. I am sort of scared but I don't care, I need to prove I'm strong.

"No, I don't care. Honestly Luke, just drop me home."

He stops the car in front of a random store. "No, we need to talk about this before I drop you home."

I roll my eyes at him and grab my phone. I unlock my phone and go on snapchat. I look at other peoples stories and I can almost feel how angry and irritated he is.

"Really Stella? Snapchat!" He yells at me and I roll my eyes.

I take a picture of my view outside and put the time. It looks nice and artsy. I put it on my story and right when it sends Luke takes my phone.

"Hey!" I try to grab it back but he does the unthinkable.

He slaps me, again.


Holy poop he did it again. People are losing interest in my story :( people don't even comment anymore.

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