chapter two: meeting him

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Stella point of view:

"I hope we don't have a shitty teacher." I spoke loudly.

We arrived at school and Calum slung his arm around me. He kissed my temple and people stared. I knew people wondered why we act like a couple but are just best friends. I knew it.

"Cal, people are staring." I mumble against his chest.

"Let them stare, it's funny." He giggles like a school girl. I sighed and push at his chest.

"Bye Calum." I am slightly piss because people think I'm 'off limits' which I am not. I love Calum but he's always making it seem like we are dating and I hate it.

I suddenly feel a cold wet liquid hit my skin. I gasp as I feel it going down. I hear the unknown person apologize. I look at my shirt and it is soaked. Thank god I have Calums clothes in my locker.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry!" His voice is a tad deep and he is very much and Aussie as well. I look up to the unknown voice and my god he is gorgeous. He has piercing blue eyes that I can't even funtion, I look at his lip and fuck he has a lip piercing.

"I'm uh wet."

"Excuse me?"

"You got me wet." I state the obvious. He starts to laugh and I realize what I have done.

"I-I you- I just-" I keep stuttering embarrassed of what is happening.

"I'm Luke, I'm Luke Hemmings, you are?" He introduces himself to me but I can't find the words to talk because he is so flawless.

I look down at my clothes and realize I am still very much wet because of him. "I'm wet." I tell him.

"Well hello I'm wet." He starts to laugh again. I mentally face palm myself.

"I'm Stella, Stella Clifford." I introduce myself correctly.

"I see, well I would love to chat but I have to go before I'm late, I'm sorry about your clothes again!" He rushes without saying anything else.

Why does Luke Hemmings sound so familiar?


I walk into my math class expecting the new teacher to yell at me for being late. I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

I walk into my math class and the teacher is faced back to the board so he won't see me. I sneak into my chair which is to my bad luck in the front of his desk.

"So everyone tell me what this shape is." He draws a triangle with a circle next to it. He turns around and he locks eyes with me.

"Hey! You're the one I spilled my water on accident." He giggles.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm late." I blurt out.

"Don't worry I won't mark you, think of it as a I'm sorry gift." He smiles.

"Thank you, I'm Mr. Hemmings by the way." I nod at him understanding he doesn't want me to call him Luke because he is my teacher.

"Now everyone tell me what this is." He goes back to the board and I look at him, he's dressed like a teenager. Nobody would have guessed he is a teacher.

"Stella can you tell me what this is?" He breaks me up from checking him out and I'm sure he notices because he smirks slightly.

"It's uh, it's a triangle." I can feel my cheeks hotten.

"What is the degree of the triangle?" Why is he only asking me? There is twenty other kids in this class room.

"I-I don't know sir." I lie. I know it but I'm nervous because he is making me forget things.

Mr. Hemmings » Luke Hemmings AUWhere stories live. Discover now