chapter three:

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Stella's point of view:

"Miss Clifford wake up." I feel someone shaking me slowly but then it goes to a faster pace when I ignore it the first time.

"What?" I ask annoyed at the fact someone woke me up from my nap. I hear chuckling and it was a male chuckle. I snap my head up and see it is Mr. Hemmings.

"Are you awake now?" He laughs. I nod my head yes and he chuckles even more.

"Well you have lunch now and I was about to leave so.." He looks at me and then at the door and I realize he was kicking me out.

"Oh shit," I look at him wide eyed scared he will card me for detention but he only shakes his head. "I heard nothing." He smiles. I thank him and decide to leave my stuff in class since I would be in their for 5th period anyways.

I bring my phone and money then I leave class. I walk to the cafeteria and I see Calum, Niall, and Michael sitting down. I smile at myself as I see Calum waving at me.

"Stells! Over here!" Calum yells bringing all the students attention to me. I hush him and walk to the table.

"Hey babe." Calum kisses my lips really quick and I smile before sitting next to him.
My brother looks at Calum and then to me. He shakes his head and laughs but Niall looks confused to why he is laughing.

"Mate you look like an idiot laughing for no reason!" Niall cheers. I smile at Niall for always being happy. I lean my body toward Calum's side and inhale his scent. He smells like cuteness and glitter.

"Just look at these two! they do all the shit couples do but they won't date." Michael laughs even more and I roll my eyes while Calum laughs.

"She isn't even my type, she's my best friend so I think it's okay to kiss her without having those type of feelings, right Stella?" Calum looks down at me and I nod. I kiss him just to prove it.

"Man you guys would look cute though." Niall says with a shit load of crips in his mouth.

"So how is your new Math teacher?" Michael asks as he gives me a bag of chips.

"He's great, he's quite the hottie." I wink.

"Talking about me Miss Clifford?" I hear the familiar voice and laugh. I turn around and there he is, Luke Hemmings but also known as my math teacher.

"Wh-what?" I stutter. I feel everyone stare at me and Mr. Hemmings smirking at me.

"I-I mean no, no we were not talking about you." I lie smoothly. Mr. Hemmings takes a bite out of his pizza slowly and I lick my lips as I watch his mouth chew. His lips are so soft I would do anything to have them kissing my vag-

"Stells!" I hear Niall snap me back to reality.

"Sorry what?"

"I asked which one is your brother?" Mr. Hemmings looks at me weirdly.

"Oh the red headed one." I point to Michael and he smiles.

"Nice to meet you." Michael smiles politely.

"Well I better go, see you next period!" Mr. Hemmings bites his bottom lip bringing his lip piercing to slowly move. He waves good bye and leaves.

"So that is your math teacher?" Michael asks out loud.

"Yeah, cute as fuck." I grin.

"He's older than you by a million years Stella." Calum chuckles. I glare at him and shake my head no.

"He is twenty four." I smile.

"Yeah and you're seventeen." Calum snorts.

"Woah der stells that's a seven year difference." Niall puts all the food he has eaten into a pile and onto his tray.

Mr. Hemmings » Luke Hemmings AUWhere stories live. Discover now