chapter seven

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Stella's point of view:

I hear my alarm ring and I realize today is Thursday, one more day and it's Friday, thank god.

I feel Ashton's arms around my waist and I slip out of his arms.

"Stella wake me up when you're done," he mumbles loudly, if that makes sense.

I realize I don't have fucking clothes. I can always wear my jeans again so I'll just wear my jeans and use one of Ashton's shirts.

I take a shower and finish the shit needs to be done.


I am fully dressed and ready to go but Ashton is still sleeping.

"Ashton wake up," I push on his shoulder a little, "Ash I'm serious wake the fuck up."

"Ashton," I yell.

"Shit Stella," he yells rubbing his ear.

"Bring me to school now."

"Let me brush my teeth first." He walks to the bathroom and after five minutes of waiting he's done and looks more decent.

"Hurry up," I snap at him.

He rolls his eyes and grabs the car keys, "Jesus Christ, I'm already taking you to school."

"I'm not Jesus Christ Ashton, I'm Stella Clifford."

"Your sass is not needed this early in the morning," he says as he drives out of the drive way.

"It might take us a few minutes to get there," he says before turning the radio on.

She Looks So Perfect starts to play by some band called Four Minutes of Winter? I don't understand why they're called that when their is five of them.

"God this song annoys me," Ashton changes the station and the same exact song plays on a different station.

"I like this song," I smile.

"You like anything with a cute face," he says while turning on the school street.

"I don't like you," I laugh while taking my seat belt off.

"Ha. Ha, you're making me laugh so hard." his voice full of sarcasm and sass.

"Bye Ashton." I kiss his cheek before opening the door.

"Talk to Calum and Michael okay?" He looks serious but I don't respond.

"Stella I'm serious," his voice still soft but serious.

"I have to go," I mumble, "pick me up at three because I have detention."

"Okay," he sighs, "bye Stells have a good day." I nod and close the door.

Since my schedule is block I go to my 2, 4, and 6 class today so that means no Mr. Hemmings today, thank god.

I walk into my ceramics class and see Niall smiling at me.

"Where did you disappear to yesterday!" He pulls me in for a hug without his hands touching me.

"Dad came back." I sigh into his chest.

"Really?" I nod.

"How are you taking his welcoming back?" He knows how I feel about 'my dad' so it's easy to talk to him.

"I'm doing okay, I just got in a huge fight with Calum and Michael yesterday that's all."

"Oh Michael told me what happened," he shakes his head.

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