chapter five:

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Stella's point of view:

It's been a week and three days since Calum and I have spoken to each other. It's been a rough week because when he sees me he would glare at me or roll his eyes at me. I miss him but I am not going to speak to him until he apologizes to me or Ashton.

"Miss Clifford," I look up and see Mr. Hemmings a bit annoyed with me for not paying attention, "Please pay attention or else you will get a slip for detention after school."

"Sorry Mr. Hemmings," I mutter before shaking my head.

"So can anyone tell me what x equals?" Mr. Hemmings asks me.

"It equals seven." It was the leech, Camila. God she is fucking annoying, I hate her, I hate her, for fucks sake I really fucking hate her.

I look at the board and laugh, x does not equal seven, it equals ten.

I continue to laugh before Mr. Hemmings calls me again. "Miss Clifford why are you laughing?"

I snort and look at the board and back to him, "x does not equal seven, it's ten." I laugh.

"Oh really?" He asks as he arches his eyebrow up.

I nod my head and respond, "Yeah look." I get up from my desk and start on the equation.

"It's simple algebra and considering we are reviewing I thought the smartest girl in this class would get it." I laugh before looking at Camila, who looks like she is going to hit me.

"Wow you are correct," he says before getting something out of his desk, "But for embarrassing a student you have detention."

"I'm getting detention for saying what's right?" I argue with him which seems very fucking pointless.

"Do you want two detentions?" I can hear a light smirk.

I walk back to my desk and I'm very pissed off. He can go fuck a fucking cactus.

The bell rings and I am so happy when I see Calum. I know I said I wouldn't speak to him until he says sorry but fuck it we were both being rude and mean to each other that day.

Calum goes in my classroom and stands in front of my desk, "I am so, so, so, sorry." He says before kissing my forehead.

"I'm sorry as well, I just snapped because I finally got to see him again and I don't know.." I stand up and go next to him.

"Are we okay?"

"Yeah," I smile, "We're okay."

"Good because I have been dying to do this all week," He doesn't let me ask what because his lips are instantly on mine.

I groan in response before tugging on his perfect black hair, "Fuck Stells." He moans as I grind our lower regions together.

I hear a cough and I pull away from Calum, shit I forgot we were in my math class still.

"Detention for you both, double detention for you Miss Clifford." Mr. Hemmings gave us pink slips and I groaned.

"See you both after school." He chuckles before we left.

"What an asshole." Calum groans before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to his side.

"I know," I shrug, "He sees two best friends kissing and suddenly it's a crime." I whine.

"At least we have each other in detention." He smiles before kissing my temple.

"Stella," I hear someone yell my name again, "stella!" I turn around and see my brother smiling.

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