chapter twenty-one

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Stella's point of view:

"How was the shower," Jack says to us as soon as we go to the living room. Ben gives Luke a look making him look down; weird.

"It was fine, try it with Celeste when she comes back?" Luke fires back.

"Who's that?"

"My lovely girlfriend," Jack giggles. I look at Jack and then at Luke. Their giggles are almost the fuckïng same. His his just a bit deeper and mature.

"You guys are like twins, I swear." I mutter.

"Ha Ha," Jack says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him and snuggle closer to Luke as we sit on the love seat.

"So tomorrow you leave right?" Luke asks me randomly.

"Yeah, you're dropping me off dork." I push his shoulders slightly and he rolls his eyes.

"You're annoying."

"You're mean." I retort.

"You're ugly," Luke says right when his parents come in.

"Luke!" Liz yells at him.

"You don't tell your girl she's ugly, that's rude." Andrew shakes his head and Ben and Jack sit on the floor so his parents can enjoy the movie while sitting.

"Ugly?" Luke chuckles. I roll my eyes, not this again.

"Ugly." I respond. He smirks and gives me a butterfly kiss, my breathing hitches as he kisses my cheek while fluttering his eyelashes on my cheek.

"You two are the most weirdest couple ever, weirder than Jack and his girl," Andrew says while taking a sip of his beer.

"That's just messed up," Luke chuckles. "I know!" Jack responds.

"Hey do you guys want blankets?" Ben asks everyone. Everyone nods and he looks at me, "Help me Stella?" It sounded more like a command than a question so I go with him.

As we walk upstairs he sighs, "I know about you and Luke," Ben says. I gasp and he nods, "He told me everything, is there a reason you're doing this?"

"N-No, I am just curious," I stammer.

"Listen, I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable but you and my brother can get into someone serious trouble, especially Luke."

"Yeah I know but-"

"Just be careful okay?" He doesn't let me finish, he drops around five blankets into my hands and closes the closet. He grabs half and I grab mine.

I walk downstairs and Luke is stretching and I giggle as I see his armpits are shaved. I sit on his lap and put the blanket over us.

"You shave your armpits," I tell him as I look up to him, he looks down and gives me a weird look.

"Yeah, is that weird?" He chuckles and starts fiddling with my hand.

"No, I mean it's kinda hot you do," I shrug.

"How's that hot?" Jack chuckles. I look at him and I knew he was listening.

"Because I can hug him without hair in my face and if I wanted to suck his armpit there wouldn't be hair," I shrug.

"Suck my armpit?" Luke half laughs. "Why would you even say that, especially in front of my family," Luke says while laughing loudly.

"You guys are a weird couple," Andrew says again. I bite my lip and blush slightly.

"We aren't even dating," Luke snorts. I look away and fiddle with the blanket edge. I feel my face get red and I bite my bottom lip due to embarrassment.

Mr. Hemmings » Luke Hemmings AUWhere stories live. Discover now