chapter forty

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All of us were trying our best to stay calm, it isn't easy when my moms crying her eyes out.  I look at Stella and she's on her phone looking like she's worried about something. I don't know what I'm doing with her and I think I need to let her go. At this point I'm not sure if I should keep her, it's not right. I don't think she's ready for any commitment and i don't think I am but I really like her having around and it seems like my family does too.

"Hey Luke," I look up and see Stella looking at me with a little pity. I smile a little and pat the seat next to me.

"Yeah are you tired? Do you want me to drop you home?" She grabs my hand and puts it on her lap while rubbing it.

"No it's okay bubbles, I'm okay with staying until you need me," she smiles. I nod and put my head on her shoulder, well tried because she's a bit tiny.

"Did you just call me bubbles?" I look up at her a little and she chuckles, "Yeah I did, it's cute isn't it?" I laugh a little and kiss her cheek.

"Take a quick nap, or rest your eyes, I'll stay up for you."  I look at Ben and see he's looking at us and I flip him off. He shakes his head a little and chuckles just a little.

I close my eyes and let darkness hit.


Luke was knocked out and it was kind of hurting my shoulder because he's not very tiny, he's the total opposite of it actually.

Ben and Jack walk towards us and I smile as they do. They both look exhausted, well we have been here for 4 hours waiting for his surgery to be done. "You guys holding up okay?"

"We're okay, we know he's strong. He'll make it." Ben smiles weakly.

"Are you hungry? We can buy you food?" Jack looks at me and then to Luke, "Do you want me to wake up Luke?" He shakes his head and puts his hand up.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it. I'll get you both food." Ben and Jack leave and Liz walks towards me.

"Hey Mrs. Hemmings, how are you feeling?" Luke moved a little and kissed my neck sleepily just to see if I was still next to him.

"I'm okay darling, and remember you can call me momma Liz or Aunt Liz, either one is fine with me. You're family darling," she smiles. I nod and talk about random things with her.

"One time Luke and Ben were playing football and when Luke was about to kick the ball Ben pulls down Luke's pants in front of a group of girls and-" she gets cut off by Luke mumbling a few words.

"Bubbles I'm cold," he mumbles sleepy just like a child would. I giggle a little and look at Liz. She smiles at us and takes a quick picture with her Iphone. I put my jacket that I set aside earlier and put it around him as best as I can.

"Hey guys," I look to my right and see Ben and Jack holding food. They had Wendy's and boy was I hungry. Jack looks at me and then to Luke.

"Why is he still sleeping? It's not like he's done anything productive," Ben comments. I hold my laugh a little because imagine how bad that would be, laughing in a hospital.

"He must've had it rough with Stella earlier," Jack comments while elbowing Ben. They both laugh and Liz gives them a look.

Luke moves a little and rubs his eyes, "Babes," he mumbles. Man my heart just fluttered a little.

"Yes?" I whisper a little. He gets up a little and kisses me softly on my cheek. "Is my dad out?" My heart just dropped a little. 

"No, he's still in surgery, he's going to be out soon, don't worry Luke." He looks at me and sighs. He kisses my forehead and I smile at the touch.

My phone starts ringing and I see that it's michael, what could he possibly want? I excuse myself and walk more towards the hall before I pick up.

"Hello?" I say a tad confused why he's calling.

"Where are you?" He sounds a little irritated about the situation.

"I'm okay, I'm with my friends. Why?"

"Mom and Dad are looking for you, are you coming back home or sleeping over?"

"Sleeping over," I say as i look over at Luke. He smiles at me and waves a little.

"Okay, bye." He hangs up and I walk my way towards him. I sit back to where he is and he wraps his arm around me.

As we're sitting I hear Noah, his cousin laughing. I immediately look and see him. He smiles and waves at me before coming my way. "Hey guys," he smiles. They all greet him back and he stares at me. Luke notices a little and I try to look away.

"Stella, I didn't know you were still dating Luke," he laughs. I laugh a little and grab Luke's hand, "that's my baby," I chuckle a little.

"Noah, leave us alone," Luke scoffs. I hit Luke's arm a little and Noah looks away embarrassed a little. "Kidding, how's life?" Luke flashes a fake smile and it makes me want to laugh a little.

"Hemmings?" The doctor looks around and Liz gets up and approaches the doctor. She nods and starts to say how he's okay.

"He's doing fine, just need him here for a few days, maybe two? If anything you are most likely okay to stay overnight, but only family." Everyone nods and gets up before saying their goodbyes.

"Did you want a ride home Stella?" Luke and I turn around and it's Noah. I smile at him before looking at Luke.

"No, I'll drop her home." Luke pulls me closer to him and kisses the side of my temple. Noah nods before saying goodbye to me.

"Do you want to stay at my place tonight," he asks me while we gather our stuff off the chairs.

"If it's fine with you, yes." Ben and Jack walk towards us and you could tell how exhausted they both are.

"Mum is in the room, she said for us to go home. Don't go in the room, she's crying super badly," Jack says before hugging us goodbye.

"Okay, we're gonna head off too, she has a few assignments to do."

When we arrive at Luke's place I could tell he needed a cuddle, he was drained and I could tell he didn't want to ask me for it but i know he needed it.

"Go wash your face and go to the bed, I'm gonna cuddle you tonight okay?" I kiss his lips softly before sending him away. He sighs in relief before doing as I ask.

This is going to be a very long night.


back n im lame

hi guys sorry I been mia

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