chapter thirty five

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I finally was hanging out with Michael again. I got alone time after what seemed like forever.

"Mikey," I sighed. He looks at me and tilts his chi up.

"What's up?" He shrugs.  He looks back at his phone and I roll my eyes. All he has been doing is texting his annoying girlfriend.

"I think I'm gonna go walk around for a while, wanna come for a while?" I stand up from the couch and he waves me off.

"Nah, I'm gonna facetime someone." I roll my eyes at him again. He never has time for  me and the one time I wanna hang out with him he's busy.

"Fine, I'll see you later." I grab my jacket and before I leave I look at Michael one last time. He looks so happy when I'm gone, I kind of hate it.

I walk around the block for a few minutes until I bump into someone. "Sorry, I'm a big of a klutz." I apologize. I hear a deep voice chuckle.

"It's okay love." I look up and see a really hot guy. He looks like he's in his 20's but not that far in his 20's.

"I'm Harry," his accent made me melt. I opened my mouth and I couldn't talk.

"I'm Stella." I manage out to say. He smiles brightly and I can't help but stare. He is literally beautiful.

"Do you mind if I walk with you?" He asks. He looks kind of rich.

"No, just don't kill me," I joke. He grins but walks with me.

"So, how old are you?" We make a turn where the ice cream shop is.

"I'm 17," I mutter. He looks at me and nods. We see a bench by the park.

"I'm 22, just turned a few months ago." I sigh and their go my chances. He looks at me a little confused.

"Something wrong?" He looks at my light brown eyes and I almost fall off the bench. He is so beautiful I think he would be an upgrade from Luke.

He flashes me a smile and flips his hair a little.

 "So Stella do you have a boyfriend?" He smirks as he comes a little closer

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"So Stella do you have a boyfriend?" He smirks as he comes a little closer.

I gulp a little, "Ye—no." I manage out. He smiles brightly and I smile back. He grabs his phone out and I see it's the snapchat app.

"Can you maybe take a snapchat with me so I can put it on my story?" He points to his phone and I grin.

"Yeah sure, as long as you add me," I wink. He chuckles at me.

"Depends, can we go on a snapchat streak?" He wiggles his eyebrows in a joking matter which creates me to laugh.

"Of course." I giggle. He comes a little closer again and takes the picture.

"I don't have a clue how to caption this." He smiles again and I bite my bottom lip slightly.

Luke's point of view:

I haven't talked to Stella for a week or two and it seems like she's been ditching my class period. As I was walking home I see Stella and some man. He looks around my age.

I see both of them laughing and he's getting closer to her. She doesn't push him away which shocks me. Is she on a date?

I decide to walk her way. As stupid as that is, I will talk to her.

I walk up in front of Stella and my whole body feels like I'm on fire. "Uh, hey Stella." She looks up from the boy next to her and she almost drops the mans phone she's holding.

"Oh, uh," she scratches the back of her head a little. "Hey Luke." She looks at the unknown male and he looks at me after.

"I'm Harry, Harry Styles." His accent is probably why she's attracted to him.

"Luke." I say boldly. He clears his throat a little.

"Just Luke?" He questions. I look at Stella and she's looking at me.

"Hemmings." She tells him. She takes her eyes off of mine and looks at Harry and then at the time on her phone.

"It's getting late, I think I'm gonna go." She stands up and turns to him.

"Really great meeting you, hope we can see each other again." She smiles. He stands up and shakes her hand.

"Lovely meeting you as well love, here's my number." He enters his number on her phone and turns to me after.

"Nice meeting you Lad," he nods. I don't say anything and he coughs. He says good bye to Stella again before he is fully gone.

Stella looks at me and I know she's about to break. I can feel it.

"Stella look—" she doesn't let me finish because she slaps me. Like really hard.

"You have no right to talk to me, not after what you did." She begins to walk away but I grab her forearm.

"Listen, I'm sorry okay?" She shakes her head no and pulls her arm back.

"I need space from you, that's why I had my classes switched." She mumbles the last part and I swear my heart hurt a little.

"Stella, I know I treated you horribly but I want," she puts her hand up to my face for me to stop.

"No," she states firmly.

"You don't even know what I was gonna say." I scoff.

"Yes I do. You aren't getting another chance." She starts to walk and I follow her.

"Fine. But can we start over at least?" I beg. I don't know why I said that but I hope it works.

"Start over? Like as friends?" She stops walking and looks at me.

"Yeah, as friends." I want to throw up as I say friends.

She is quiet for a moment before shrugging. "I mean, I'm fine with that."

"Okay," I smile widely. She nods and an awkward silence happens.

"I'm going home now, it was," she looks at the ground, "interesting seeing you Luke."

"You too, Stel, you too." She waves good bye and before I can hug her instead she jogged to the other side of the street.


let's make a deal.

if this gets 100+ votes and at least 79 comments about the story I'll update when we reach the goal.


also look at my luke fanfic called "snapchat" it's not really your typical fan fic of those sc kinds tbh

Have a nice day baby. x

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