chapter twelve •

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Stella's point of view;

"Stella wake up, it's time for school," Michael yells.

"Michael I'm sleepy shut up," I grunt.

"Shouldn't have came home late," he chuckles.

"Ugh, fuck off." I groan.

"Get ready Stells, you have thirty minutes before I leave." Michael warns me.

I flip him off and get up.

"Fuck I look beautiful," I chuckle to myself as I look in the mirror; my hair is like a birds nest.

I throw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. I don't wear anything under besides a bra when I wear a hoodie because I don't see the point.


I walk into my classroom right on time and sigh as I open the door.

"You have a minute to spare Miss Cliford," Luke smirks.

"Sorry Mr. Hemmings," I say as I roll my eyes.

"Luke!" Luke and I both turn around and see Liam smiling.

"What are you doing here?" Luke asks him as students start to fill in the classroom.

"Came to visit," he shrugs, "Oi Stella what are you doing here?"

"I'm in his first period," I sigh.

"Wait you're the student?" He looks at me and then Luke.

"Yeah I'm his student," I whisper. He should know this already.

"Huh," Liam says, "When is your break?" He asks Luke.

"After this period," he shrugs.

"I need to talk to the both of you," he says before leaving.

Luke looks at me and I go to my desk quickly. Luke does not bother to say or pay attention to me which I am very grateful for.


"Miss Clifford I need you to stay," Mr. Hemmings says to me. I sigh and sit back down.

After everyone leaves he shuts the door.

"Liam texted me and said to wait for him," Luke says as he sits in one of the empty desk by me.

"Okay," I shrug.

I go on my phone and I see an incoming call from Calum.

"Hey babe," he says through the phone very loudly making Luke look at me.

"Hey Calum, what's up?"

"Where are you?" The background is very noisy with students yelling.

"I'm in my math class right now," I look at Luke and he is shaking his head, "I have detention again."

"Ugh stop getting in trouble dip shit," he grunts.

"You wanna make out don't you?" I laugh.

"Really fucking badly babe, really fucking badly," he says.

"Well after detention we can skip third and I'll go see you okay?" I bite my bottom lip and I know Mr. Hemmings is watching.

"Okay," he breathes out, "I'll see you later Princess," he says before hanging up.

"You're not skipping my third period," Luke says as he walks towards my desk and sits on the top.

"I can if I want," I shoot at him.

Mr. Hemmings » Luke Hemmings AUWhere stories live. Discover now