thirty one

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"Are you bloody serious," my mum yells. I gulp and see that Stella is in shock. I think I just made a big mistake. Everyone in the room is staring at us and Ben is shaking his head.

"N-No I am only kidding," I lie. I chuckle a little and grab my orange juice before jugging it. "Uh, I'm gonna go wash this, come on babe," I rush out. Stella nods quickly and follows me to the kitchen.

"Why the bloody hell would you do that?" I am to afraid to look at her because chances are she might murder me.

"I was kidding, plus we aren't even dating so it won't matter," I shrug.

"Luke," she sighs, "I know that. I just hate the fact you even told them we are involved with one another." She gives me her empty plate and I look at her with a confused expression.

"You said you were washing dishes, go wash my plate." She sits on top of the counter top washing me wash our plates. When I'm done I hand it to her to dry and she smiles softly.

I wrap my arms around her waist and sigh onto her neck, making my lips kiss the back of her neck.

"What are we going to do now?" She turns around quickly and wraps her arms around my neck. I look down at her lips and make our foreheads touch.

"I don't know," I tell her honestly. I look at her lips and she smiles softly before kissing me passionately. I felt her wince as I pull away.

"Let's go deal with this now," I grunt. I grab her hand and nervously make our way back to the dinning room.

As we walk out everyone is quiet and looking at us for an explanation. I nudge Stella and she looks at me with wide eyes.

"So," Stella says awkwardly. I hold back a chuckle by biting on my bottom lip. "How's the weather today?" I can't take it anymore, I just end up laughing.

"Oh baby girl," I breathe out. I bring her closer to me and she frowns. I kiss her cheek quickly and see my family glaring at me.

"Luke Robert," My mum says sternly. I gulp and everyone in the room, minus the Hayley and Celeste, know I'm in trouble.

"Mom." I look up at her and she is literally red. I look at my dad and he looks just as scared as I am. Jack and Ben make their girlfriends go upstairs and I can't help but squeeze onto Stella's hand tightly.

"Robert sit down now," she says sternly. I wince as she calls me Robert. That's when you know I'm really in trouble. I sit down and I heard Stella squeak as I yanked her with me.

"So," My dad starts, "We know you weren't joking Luke," my dad sighs. I look down and Stella puts her hand on my thigh.

"I don't know if you should continue-" my mum cut him off.

"You know how much trouble you are putting my son in," My mum states at Stella. I feel her tighten her hand on mine and I give it a little squeeze to make sure she's okay.

"I know how much trouble I'm putting him to but I really wasn't the one who made the first move," she admits. It's true, I made the first move.

"Mum," I groan, "I made the first move, I'm the one who went on her." I look at Ben and Jack and they're just staring at me in disappointment.

"Listen," Stella starts off, "I know what Luke and I is doing is very wrong, believe me I know. But Luke makes me happy okay? If you want I will leave him and I will transfer my classes so we don't have a problem." She let's go of my hand and I see my mum notice it.

"How old are you Stella?" My mum looks at me and I gulp.

"I'm 17, turning 18 in July."

Mum looks at dad and they both give each other a look. "Luke are you happy with her?" My dad asks. I nod my head and bite my bottom lip. My mom sighs, "Okay, we aren't as mad amymore, just highly disappointed in the both of you."

I grab Stella's hand again and give her a smile. "We have some rules," Mum says as she clears her throat. "No sexual activity when we are around, when she is around family she will be known as your girlfriend no matter what title you guys are now, nobody in the family knows how old Stella really is, lastly no arguments when we are around."

"Okay," Stella and I agree. Everyone leaves the table and Stella and I are left. I look at her and she seems nervous.

"We're dating now?" She asks. I can tell she has hope in her eyes but I feel bad for what I am about to do.

"No," I state. She gives me a confused look but I shrug.

"So what do we do now?" I give her a shrug and go on my phone.

From: Tilla

Hey meet me at the bar around Jobby, see you in 10? ;)

To: Tilla

I'm leaving now ;)

"So I have to go really quick," I rush. Stella gives me a look and I roll my eyes as I see her about to bitçh.

"Jack! Ben! Take care of Stella, I'm going somewhere for a few hours!" After I yell this out everyone comes downstairs.

"You want us to babysit your girlfriend?" Jack huffs.

"Yes, it's gonna be a few hours." I grab my keys off the table and I see Stella bite her bottom lip.

I give her a kiss on the forehead, "I'll see you later. Wear my clothes if you need to."

She sighs and gives me a big hug. I feel bad but I can't get tied down to a teenage girl.

From: Tilla

I see your car baby, I'm in the bar wearing something nice for you ;)

Oh boy am I going to get laid.


Sorry school has been so hectic tbh bc junior year.

Here is a short update.

tweet me: lrhwanks

You should tweet about my story if you want haha.

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