chapter 44

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i tough i was gonna get some and live while were young ( ha see what i did there lol)

"AWW sorry but did daddy direction leave cause you aint getting some" nicole said.

"did i saw that outloud!" i yelled from the room.

"yeap" she said poping the p.



"LIAM!!' I yelled no answer at all.

"MELISSA!!!!" nope nothing i was getting worried.


"LOUIS !! HARRY!!! NIALL!! ZAYN!!!" no answer i was starting to cry.

"OH MY GOSH YOU DIDNT DO THAT LILI" i turned to see a girl she was pretty black long hair with blue eyes and she wasnt me at all.

" I did babe look what i got you " liam said giving her a necklace that i had which said "infity and beyond" and he gave it ot me for my graduation.

i saw Melissa,Jayine,Amy,Niall,Harry,Zayn, and louis smiling happy but i was no where in site.

"AMY !!!! CANT YOU SEE ME!!! IM YOUR BEST FRIEND !!' I ran to her yelling at her but she didnt see me.

"JAYLINE !! MELISSA !!" i said trying to get there attention but nothing at all.

"Liam..." i said lowly reaching out to him he shiverd at my touch.

"Nicole..." he said i felt happy that he heard me the boys and the girls gasphed.

" Liam who is she " i said but he didnt answer "LAIM!!!! WHO IS SHE!!!!!! " I YELLED and brusted out in tears.


"babe you okay" liam said waking up.

"No i had a bad dream" i said as i started crying and getting closer to liam.

"What happend in your dream" he said worried in his voice.

" You were there the boys and jayline,melissa,and amy" i said.

"then you guys wernt there at all i yelled and yelled for you guys but no body was there" i said and liam just hugged me tighter.

"and i heard a girl squeal "OH MY GOSH YOU DIDNT DO THAT LILI" and it broke my heart that you were with someone and you gave her my necklace." i said and tears were running down my face like endless waterfall.

"i yelled agian for the girls to get my attion but no then I went ot you and wishpered your nam eyou heard me and said my name the others just gashped and i told you who she was but you didnt answer at all." i said.

"Babe dont ever think that i will leave you at all and i promsied you that me an dthe lads will be here for you and rember if i do anything to break your heart zayn will kill me cause he is over protecive over you and i will always love you" he said kissing me and we fell alseep.


i woke up to music blaring into the rooms i looked to see if liam was next to me sound asleep of the fuck can he sleep in this fucking loud music sorry but when people wake me up i would start cussing.

i went downstairs to find paul struggling with zayn,harry,louis, and naill "HEY paul how you been" i said he looked at me with pleading eyes 'BOYS! STOP!' i yelled but tryed to hide my smile and they froze like if i was there leader.

"Say sorry to paul " i demanded trying so hard not to crak up.

"were sorry paul"they said and then me and paul bursted out laughing.

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