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Maddie's POV


"Maddie, why don't you come out here and meet Cameron's new friends?" Mommy says, peeking her head into my room.

"But I don't wanna." I pout, pulling the pink comforter over my head and sinking into my bed, hoping mommy doesn't bother me anymore about meeting my brother's stupid friends.

The comforter dips in slowly at my side as mommy sits on the edge of my bed. She pulls the comforter away from my face and looks me in the eyes.

"Now, Maddie, there's nothing to be scared of, sweetie. They're only a couple years older than you. They're really nice, and they'll be over a lot this summer. You're going to have to meet them eventually, sweetheart." she coos, brushing my blonde strands out of my eyes.

"I don't like boys. They have cooties." I say, turning over on my side and covering my face with my hands. She sighs, pulling me into her lap and holding me.

"I promise they're not icky. And you know what? If you just go say hi to them, I'll take you to get some vanilla ice cream. Your favorite, right?" she murmurs into my hair, kissing the top of my head.

"Fine, okay, okay. I'll go meet Cameron's stupid friends. But you have to pinkie promise we'll get ice cream." I say, holding out my pinkie. She smiles, wrapping her bigger pinkie around mine.

"I promise." she says.

I grin, hopping down from the bed and padding downstairs. Cameron sits on the couch with his all of his friends, their attention on the tv.

"Mommy says that if I meet your stupid friends that she will take me for ice cream." I say. Cameron laughs at me, pulling me onto the couch next to him.

"Okay," he says, pointing at each of his friends as he says their names to me.

I don't say anything for a while, pursing my lips and examining them all.

"There's a lot of them." I finally say, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yeah, there are." he says, chuckling.

"Mommy! Take me for ice cream now!" I say, jumping off the couch and running up the stairs to get her. I find her in her room, folding clothes. She laughs.

"Okay, okay, let's go." she says, setting the t-shirt she was folding back down on the bed.

I slip on my favorite pink sandals and skip back downstairs.

"I wanna come, too!" Cameron says before we leave. All of his friends nod and agree. A lot of them were missing, and I realized why once I spot them outside the living room window getting on the trampoline.

"Alright. Let's go, boys."

We all pile into our SUV, with Cameron in the passenger seat, of course, since he was the oldest and the tallest. I sit next to a boy with dark hair and blue eyes, who tells me his name is Hayes. He looks about my age, and he just sits there quietly. The boy on the other side of him wears a bucket hat and has a pleasant smile plastered on his face. He talks a lot. I think his name was Matt.

Three other boys sit in the back, all laughing and playing around together.

Mommy gets in the car and starts it, pulling out of the driveway.

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