t h i r t y - s e v e n

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Maddie's POV-

"I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure I heard Jack talking to Cameron about how it might be about you, like your name or something." Hayes says, waiting for my reaction.

I let out a groan.

"No! Whyyyy would he do that?! It's permanent! We're probably not even going to be friends after Magcon is over for good, so what's the point of even considering being in a relationship, let alone tattooing my name on his body?!" I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air. I watch Hayes's expression sadden slightly at my words.

"And us, Hayes! We're really close, and I love you a bunch, but we both know that someday we're both going to find someone we love, and it's not going to be each other." I say. Hayes closes his eyes at my words, taking a deep breath, before nodding.

"I know." he whispers. I blink away the tears starting well in my eyes angrily. I wasn't going to let myself cry over this.

I hear a knock on the door, and Taylor peeps his head in.

"Time to go. Gather your stuff, we're leaving in five." he says, leaving again. I sniff a little and walk out without a word, leaving Hayes speechless.

I basically just told him that we have no chance of ever dating, and we'd probably never be friends again after Magcon, and I just walked out without another word. I guess you could say that I was being a little over dramatic and I really didn't need to say such hurtful things to him when Shawn's stupid tattoo didn't even affect him, so I guess I could see why he was so taken aback by what I said.

I walk down the hallway and down the long stairs to where everyone was already checking out and leaving. I gather my stuff, too, and follow the guys out the door to our cars. I put my stuff in the trunk and get in the back of the car with Matt.

"Hey, you good?" he asks. I nod, looking out the window. A tear escapes the corner of my eye and rolls down my cheek. I try to wipe it away before Matt sees it, but I fail.

"Aw, Mads, don't cry. Come here." he says, pulling me into an embrace. He doesn't ask any more questions, he just sits there and hugs me while I silently cry to myself.

Why did I always have to ruin everything?

Matt traces his thumb over my wrist to comfort me, not caring that my tears are soaking his shirt. I take a deep breath and stop before anyone else comes outside. I wipe my tears away pulling out of the embrace. I plant a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks, Matt." I say. He smiles at me.

"No problem. That's what friends are for." he says. I smile back, turning and looking out the window as Cameron and the Jacks come out.

Shortly afterwards I drift off to sleep in the car as we start off towards the airport.

-------------5 hours later in Miami-------------

Okay, so maybe I wasn't expecting Miami to be exactly this hot.

Yeah, sure, it's Florida, but considering its seventy-seven degrees (25celcius) in New York City, and one hundred eight degrees (42.2celcius) here, you might be able to understand why we were roasting under the temperature change. (A:N) degree conversions bc America is weird and doesn't use the metric system)

"Pass me the water." I groan. Cameron hands me the water bottle and I unscrew the cap, gulping down half the bottle in seconds.

We were all sharing one bottle of water from Carter's backpack because our hotel was an hour drive from the airport because of the horrible traffic. Thankfully, we were almost there.

We were all sweating, the windows rolled down all the way. My hair was pretty matted in the low ponytail on the back of my head, and I was trying desperately to not die of heat stroke.

I pass the water back up and Cameron finishes it in one gulp, tossing the empty bottle on the floor.

"I will never be able to live in a southern state." I complain.

"Maddie, we live in California." Cameron reminds me, chuckling a little.

"True, but California isn't as close to the Equator as Florida is." I say. 

A few minutes later, we pull into a parking lot for a Marriot hotel. I instantly jump out of the car, grabbing my bags. I stroll into the hotel, the cool air conditioning blowing down on me as soon as I enter. Aaron and Carter stroll ahead of em to check in and Cameron joins them shortly after.

"Maddie, stop standing in the doorway." Hayes says. I pick up my things, realizing I was blocking the doorway.

"But the cool air was blowing right there." I complain, rolling my suitcase after him. We head towards our rooms and get our room keys. I immediately claim the window bed, flopping down on the soft duvet.

I kick my shoes off and close my eyes. I drift off to sleep within a few seconds, not even bothering to brush my teeth or put my pj's on.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading. I have three other chapters after this one that are already ready to publish, I just have to proofread them and edit them a bit before I can publish them.

Also, Happy Mother's Day! I hope it's a nice and beautiful Sunday for everyone. Don't forget to appreciate and give your moms hugs and kisses, because they're not going to be here forever, and some people aren't as lucky as you to have a mom. Also, you should really make her a really cheesy homemade printer-paper card because moms treasure things like that. And if you don't have a mom, have a really nice day and I really hope you enjoy all the blessings you do have in life💜

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