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Okay, so I really don't have a creative picture for this so tAKE THIS SUPER HOT PICTURE OF SHAWNppwosjfeinfjtoske he's so cute.

Okay, so here's ya story...

Maddie's POV

Okay, so it's been... what? Two days since I've been in the hospital?

I've lost track, and it's only been a few days.

My sleep schedule is thrown off. I've been awake all night and have slept all day for the past couple days.

The nurse said I've had a substantial weight gain, which means I could be discharged from the hospital in time for my birthday tomorrow.

Thank god.

Shawn came to visit me again, but he had to leave shortly afterwards because his fans know I'm here now, which also means he can't visit me anymore because people have literally camped outside the hospital, waiting for him to come visit me again so they can see him and take pictures with him or whatever.

I can't say I'm upset, though. I understand what it's like to love a celebrity so much and wish someday you could meet them.

But I have yet to meet Justin Bieber.


Shawn's POV

~earlier that day~

"Can I go see her?" I ask the nurse.

"Yeah, of course." the nurse, who I've learned is named Molly, says, smiling sweetly at me. I smile back, making my way to Maddie's room.

I knock lightly on the door before entering.

"Mads?" I say.

"Sorry, I'm not allowed to let strangers in." she says through the door. I laugh, coming in.

"I figured you were sleeping." I say, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"I don't blame you. I've been sleeping until three in the afternoon everyday." she says guiltily. Maddie's always been an early bird.

"So when can you leave?" I ask her excitedly.

"They're going to allow me to go tonight, but I still have to go to therapy after this." she says, making an adorable frowning face.

"Good, because we're throwing you a party the day after tomorrow. But tomorrow, we do whatever you want." I say. She grins widely.

"I'm really excited." she says.

"You should be." I say.

I glance at the clock and remember I have to go shopping with Cameron and Matt.

"Hey, um I gotta go, but I'll try to come back later. Love you Mads." I say.

"Wait, where are you going?" she asks me before I can get out the door.

"Uh, a Magcon thing... at the mall?" I lie, not wanting her to be upset she doesn't get to go. She nods, scooting down in her bed sheets to get comfy. I leave it at that, exiting her room and walking down the hallway, sighing quietly to myself.

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