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"Do you think they're gone?" Aaron whispers, coming up behind Cameron and I. We're all currently hiding behind the mini pavilion that was offset from the walkways by about twenty feet into the trees.

"Let's just chill here for a couple minutes to make sure." Jack Gilinsky said. He leaned against the wooden banister and slid down it, sitting in the dusty dirt. I resisted the temptation to scold him about getting dirty because I knew he didn't care.

"I really do love our fans, but I just wanted to have a fun day with my friends without having girls scream every time they recognize us." Carter says.

"Well, we're famous now, so we're going to learn to accept the fact that we're going to get recognized more in public." Taylor snaps. There's a long silence between everyone and I shift uncomfortably.

"Alright, well, let's go." Cameron says. He starts walking towards what I think is the park exit, but is actually the entrance to the waterpark side. This area isn't as popular, as it is a little windy outside, so everyone is riding the roller coasters and aren't really paying attention to the water rides. We follow his lead and go to the locker area they have to hold all your stuff. After we buy a key and a locker, we strip down to our swimsuits.

Jack Gilinsky is the last to be ready, and he closes the locker and locks it when he's done.

"I think it's best if we split into little groups." Taylor says. I nod, scanning over to see who I want to go on water rides with.

"Okay." Cameron says. He immediately grabs my wrist, pulling me to him. I yelp in surprise at his grasp.

He's always been over-protective.

Taylor, Carter, and Aaron instantly choose each other, and the Jacks decide to go with them, too. Nash chooses Cameron, and Hayes chooses Nash. Cameron chooses to take Matthew, too.

"Come on, Maddie." Cameron says.

"I'm going with Shawn. He doesn't have a group." I say. I take Shawn's hand and guide us to the nearest ride before Cameron can get mad.

We wait in the short line, but quickly realize the ride only takes one at a time.

"You go first." Shawn says, glancing at the crazy slide nervously.

"Okay." I say, nodding. When it's my turn, I sit down in cool water and fold my arms across my chest like I'm told. I lay back and I take off down the slippery slide.

When I get to the bottom, the slide drops off into a pool. I squeal in surprise, submerging in the cold water and resurfacing.

I get out immediately, shaking off the cold droplets and waiting for Shawn.

Moments later, he appears for a split second before dipping into the water. He resurfaces and shakes the water out of his hair, grinning.

"Let's go on the log ride, come on." Shawn says. He takes me by my hand and leads me over to the log ride line.

This is why I loved Shawn. Sure, I loved the other guys and they felt like my brothers, but Shawn was different. He protected me, but not in the demanding way Cameron did. And Shawn always gave me attention when no one else would, just so I wouldn't feel left out. After all, Magcon was about the boys, not their little siblings.

We stood in silence, Shawn's arm around my shoulder, pulling me to his side. We watched as two little girls laughed and played on the railings on the sides of the line. Their mother smiled down at them and watched them, making sure they didn't fall or get hurt.

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