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Shawn's POV


I bolt upright immediately at the sudden sound, looking around the dark room.

Cameron and Nash's loud snores emerged from the muffled mess of down sheets from the bed across from us, so I knew the loud noise wasn't from them. My attention turns to the closed bathroom door, light trickling in from underneath the door. I look to my left and realize Maddie was gone.

I get up, carefully stepping around the other bed and knock lightly on the door.

"Maddie? Are you okay?" I whisper.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just slipped and fell into the wall, but I'm okay. I'm really clumsy at this time in the morning." she whispers through the door.

"Are you wearing socks?" I ask. She pauses.


"What did I tell you about wearing socks on tile floors? Remember last time when you slid down the marble staircase at Jenna's house?"

"Sorry." she says. I chuckle and go back to bed. I close my eyes, but I just can't sleep. I lay there and get out my phone, squinting at the brightness. I automatically turn it down all the way so I don't fry my retinas.

I check my Twitter and tweet at Maddie.

@maddiedallas don't wear socks and walk on tile floors, you fool!

I scroll through my feed for s little bit when I start to feel my eyes become heavy. I turn my phone off and roll over in the bed, falling asleep again.

Maddie's POV

In the middle of the night, I got a really bad headache and decided to get a glass of water from the sink in the bathroom.

I fill up the small glass I keep next to the sink and chug the water, setting it back down. I catch my reflection in the mirror.

I wasn't wearing any makeup for once, and I picked out my flaws naturally. I had very faint dark circles and my normally glowing, light brown eyes were dull and tired. My hair laid on my shoulders, and I could immediately tell I needed a trim because the ends of my hair were dead. Tour made me so exhausted, I almost forget that while I'm having fun with the guys, my body needs sleep. My ribs were faintly visible from underneath my tight, gray cami. I silently cry to myself.

How was I so unhealthy? Sure, during the day, I wore shirts to cover my ribs and concealer to cover my dark circles and argon oil to smooth my hair out, and sure I looked perfectly healthy then, but under the makeup facade was a stressed teenage girl with sleep deprivation and malnutrition.

I don't know how much longer I can do this tour thing before I break.

I twist on the cool water, splashing my face. I accidentally spill water on the floor. I go to grab a towel to dry my face and mop up the water, but I slip, falling into the wall and towel rack behind me. I cut myself right above the eyebrow on the corner. It wasn't deep, probably wouldn't even scar, but it would definitely be there tomorrow, just like the red mark on my cheek from getting slapped.

I turn to go to the cabinet and look for bandages when I hear a light knock on the door. I instantly jump, almost falling again.

"Maddie? Are you okay?" I hear Shawn whisper through the wood door.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just slipped and fell into the wall, but I'm okay. I'm really clumsy at this time in the morning." I say. It wasn't a lie, I did slip, but I didn't dare tell him about cutting myself on accident because I knew he'd be overly concerned.

"Are you wearing socks?" he points out. I look down at my feet, realizing why I slipped so easily.


"What did I tell you about wearing socks on tile floors? Remember last time when you slid down the marble staircase at Jenna's house?" Shawn says. I hold back a chuckle from the memory.

"Sorry." I manage to say. I hear him laugh under his breath and walk away. I breathe a sigh of relief, going back to finding bandages.

Cameron's POV

I wake to the bright sunlight streaming through the window. I groan, stretching my arms. I glance over at Maddie, noticing the faint red mark and a small cut above her eyebrow. I refrain from asking her about it, as she looks so peaceful sleeping.

Shawn, on the other hand, was strewn all over the place. His hair was messy and his limbs were contorted in awkward directions.

Probably a bad dream.

I get up, slipping on a t-shirt and some khaki shorts. Today was the day we were leaving our hotel and going to one in Nevada.

I pack all of my stuff up, even my toiletries and such in the bathroom. When I'm done, I zip my suitcase up and double check I have everything. I go over to Maddie's side of the bed. As much as I didn't want to wake her, I had to. She looked so tired and drained. I shake her shoulder lightly and she opens her brown eyes.

"Hey, Mads, get up and pack your stuff. We gotta leave today." I say. She sits up and nods. She does the same stretch she does everyday, before getting up and getting her suitcase from underneath her bed and starting to pack. I shake Shawn and Nash awake, too, so they can get started packing.

It was a very dull, boring morning. The only noise we could hear was the distant chirping of songbirds and some very distant voices.

When everyone finishes unpacking, we meet the other guys in their room and leave the hotel rooms. We hand in our keys to the lady at the desk in the lobby and walk out. No one said a word, maybe because of what happened to Maddie last night, maybe because everyone was too exhausted to talk.

I volunteer to drive, and everyone packs in their luggage. We set off on a long drive ahead of us on the quiet morning. The sun begins to rise on the horizon. A glance in the rear-view mirror and I knew everyone in the back was fast asleep.

Who could blame them?


Hey guys! Boring chapter, I know. Three POV's though, so it makes up for it, right? Well be sure to tell me what you thought and to vote and stuff because every single vote and every single comment means so much to me, so thank you guys for being awesome at all that stuff. I normally return the favors, but if I don't you can ask me. I'll always vote or comment on something if you want me to.

Thanks for reading again, and I know it's lame. It's 1:00 am on my first day back to school and I'm so tired. I have a project and a linear equation thing due tomorrow and I probably haven't even started either of them so I mean..

Thanks for reading! I seriously need to sleep. Love you guys sm ❤️

aND HOLY COW 202 reads?! When did that happen?! Thanks so much guys!

(word count: 1216)

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