t h i r t y - t h r e e

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^ media has no relevance whatsoever, I just felt like posting her outfit because I just saw it on Pinterest lol

doubled-up on updates because I love you guys so much 😛 you can thank me later.

Maddie's POV-

It's been more than twenty-four hours since Shawn and I have talked.

But, I had a feeling that was about to change.

You see, under some very unfortunate circumstances–well, at least to me–Shawn, Hayes, Carter, and Aaron had to share a car for the day, and I had to go with them.

Lets just say, Cameron intentionally planned to torture me with Hayes and Shawn in the same car for a long period of time.

So, that brings us to now.


"Maddie, we're leaving soon. The reservation is in an hour." Jack G calls into my room.

"Okay! Thanks, Gilinsky." I call back. I spray my hair with a light coat of hairspray one last time, examining my hair. It was simply straightened, the ends of my hair reaching my waist.

I glance in the mirror, looking at my outfit.

It was actually quite cold outside today, especially for New York City at this time of year. I wear a simple black t-shirt, a windbreaker, skinny jeans, and combat boots, with a scarf to finish off my look.

The skinny jeans were brand-new, not even washed yet, and were dark blue.

I just hoped the blue dye in them wouldn't stain any furniture or my hands today.

The mirror was above the sink, so I couldn't see the rest of my outfit below my waistline.

"Hayes." I call the best I can, even with a hoarse throat, even though he's only around the corner.

"What?" he asks from the bed. I walk out of the bathroom and into the main hotel room.

"Does my butt look okay in these jeans?" I ask. He expression turns away from his phone as his eyes scan my legs. His face forms a puzzled look as he makes eye contact with me.

"Isn't that a question you'd ask your best friend or something?" he asks, his attention returning to his phone.

"Well, yeah, but Jenna isn't here to give me an honest opinion, and Shawn and I aren't exactly on speaking terms, either, so yeah. You're basically my only best friend right at the moment, which is why I'm asking you." I say. He smirks.

"Well, in that case, I think your butt looks very good in those jeans." he says. I smile back.

"Thanks, that's all I wanted to hear." I say, turning and trotting back into the bathroom. He scoffs.

"You only asked me that so you could get me to stare at your ass." he says.

"Basically, yeah." I reply smugly, finishing off my makeup. It was simple; a small amount of foundation and some mascara, with a touch of Chapstick so my lips didn't look chapped, even though they were a little bit from kissing Hayes.

And Shawn...

And TJ...

I mentally slap myself.

I really need to stop kissing all these people...

I cough, walking back to my bed to get my cross body and phone. Hayes follows me, remembering to turn off the lights before we leave.

I reluctantly trot down the stairs and into the parking lot, where the Hell Shuttle awaits.

Shawn was already in the car, in the back left seat. Aaron was on his phone in the driver's seat, letting the car idle, and Carter was in the passenger seat.

I get in first, sitting in the middle between Shawn and Hayes.

Shawn scoots away from me, cringing slightly as my thigh touches his.

"Oh, get over it." I mutter, annoyed, my voice cracking slightly from being sick. Shawn doesn't seem to notice, though, and just rolls his eyes in response.

We start to pull away, following Cameron's car.

Carter flips on the radio, turning to his favorite station and humming along to every lyric.

A large portion of the car ride is quiet, everyone focused on the scenery out their windows.

My stomach begins to ache again, and I shift uncomfortably in my seat. Hayes seems to notice, placing his hand on my navel and running  his finger tips along my skin lightly where it hurt the most. Shawn scowls at us.

"What, you pregnant or something?" he asks sarcastically, nodding at Hayes's hand.

I cough awkwardly, making eye contact with Shawn for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"No, dipshit, I'm sick. He's helping soothe the pain. Probably mono from kissing you or something like that." I mumble. He rolls his eyes but doesn't respond. Hayes snickers beside me, but I ignore that.

This was going to be a long car ride.


After about seven fights and three arguments later, we leave the vehicle. I apologize to Carter and Aaron on the side for causing the two boys to fight, but they simply laugh and shrug it off.

"Don't sweat it. They'll eventually get over it." Carter says. I nod, following the two boys, who were still arguing, into the restaurant.

Once inside, I look around in awe in all of the decorations and furniture.

It was a Hibachi restaurant, but much classier than you could imagine.

"I've never been in such a nice Hibachi before." Cameron says. I nod in agreement.

"Hello!" A small voice says from beside us. I flinch, surprised to see a short, platinum blonde, white girl standing in front of me.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" she asks. Everyone orders an ice water or a tea to make it easier for her.

I zone out while she's fixing us our drinks, and focus on Shawn and Hayes, heatedly arguing about something from two feet away from me.

Arguing...about me...



YOURE WELCOME FOR THE UPDATE ILY. Hope this was a good surprise to wake up to, for those of you who were actually sleeping at 1:54 am, like I should be doing rn.


Love you guys, and see you next update 💞 (ps. CHAPTER IS UNEDITED AND REMAINS UNEDITED BECAUSE IM TIRED AND LAZY. Please understand  thanks lol.)

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