n i n e t e e n

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Maddie's POV

I open my eyes slowly, the daylight leaking in through the window across from my hospital bed. I squint at the brightness.

I stretch my arms and neck out a little bit, glancing around the room for a moment and noticing Shawn passed out in the chair in the corner.

I start to wonder why he was here, since his fans were outside.

Knock, knock

I hear on the door. A new nurse comes in, a bright smile on her face.

"Madeleine?" she asks.

"Yeah, that's me." I say, sitting upright in my bed.

"Oh, beautiful name." She says, coming in and checking my vitals.

"Thanks." I say, chuckling. She finishes taking notes on my vitals and looks at me, and I notice her eyes are a very interesting gray color.

"Good news, today's the day!" she says, grinning ear to ear.

I was almost convinced she was more excited for me to leave than I was.

But on the inside, I knew no one could possibly be more excited than me.

"Great." I say, grinning. She gets to work, taking the needles out and taking the monitors off of me.

I felt free.

"Now, if you'll just follow me down the hallway here, I'll check your weight and height and all that and make sure you're okay before we release you, is that alright?" she says. I nod, following her down the hall to a smaller, light gray room.

She weighed me, took my height, checked my blood pressure, my heart beat, and stuff like that and asked me a few questions about my personal life and health questions. When she was done, she handed me my workout clothes from before I came to the hospital.

"You can put these back on if you want, I washed them just for you. I know the hospital gown can lower your self esteem after a while." she says with a wink. I nod, heading into the bathroom to change. When I was done, I handed her the gown back and she simply tossed it into a hamper on the corner, where a pile of bedsheets were.

"Okay, you're good." she says, leading me out of the room and back to my room to gather my things. "Do you have someone here to pick you up?" she asks.

"Uh, yeah." I say, nodding towards a still sleeping Shawn.

"Oh, I didn't even notice him there." she says, laughing a little at herself. I smile, walking over to Shawn and shaking him awake. He groans a little, before opening his eyes.

"Maddie?" he says, noticing I was back in my own clothing and I looked a little more presentable, despite not brushing my teeth, hair, or doing my makeup for a while.

"It's time to go." I say. He stands up, stretching a little and following me out the door. I thank the nurse and we say goodbye to the other nurses and check out at the main desk.

"Let's go home." Shawn says, leading me out the door. I nod, following him.

Fans scream when they see us, running after us as we run to Shawn's car.

"Go!" I say, laughing. We both hated running from fans, but I wanted to go home. We get in his car and drive off.

I immediately pick up Shawn's phone and unlock it because my thumbprint is saved in his phone. I go to his music, which has hundreds or even thousands of songs on it. I choose his album and put it on shuffle and sing along.

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