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Maddie's POV

"Ugh, where are they?" I complain. We sent off most of the guys to go get the cars, since they volunteered to walk out and risk getting mobbed by girls and since Cameron, Shawn, Matthew, and I were going to bring everyone's stuff out.

"Maybe they got preoccupied." Jack J says. Cameron pulls out his phone, sighing. He opens up Snapchat and videos something for his story.

"Hey guys, I'm here with my little sis and the Jacks. Just wanted to thank you all so much for coming to the San Francisco meet, you guys-" Cameron says to his phone, but is interrupted by the uproar of screaming females coming from behind us. I watch in horror as a flood of screaming girls stampede out of the building toward us.


We all turn around quickly and run around the building, going as fast as we could.

"I'm...too young... to die..." Cameron pants from beside me as we sprint as fast as we could away from them.

We just keep running. I watch in horror as a girl jumps on Shawn's back and clasps on to him as he's running. He stumbles, but it doesn't slow him down. All of a sudden, two cars pull up in front of us. The girl realizes she should probably detach herself from Shawn at this point, as she slides off his back and disappears into the mob behind us.

We get in the cars and speed away from the mob, breathing heavily. I still had one of the guy's backpacks with my bag and Cameron's video camera in it. Cameron had two bags  that belonged to the Jacks, and a Walmart bag with stuff in it. Matt had his stuff. Shawn had his bag, but not his guitar.

"Shawn, where's your guitar?" I ask. I watch as the blood drains from his face.

"Oh my god, it's still in the lobby! Along with Nash's backpack!" he says.

"It's okay, chill dude. We'll get someone to drop it off." Cameron says. Shawn sits back in his seat, breathing heavily.

We drive back to the hotel in silence.

We get out and get everyone their stuff and head into the hotel. We take the elevator and squeeze all twelve of us in.

We get back into the hotel room and I flop on the freshly changed sheets, groaning.

Never have I ever been so grateful to be laying on this bed in my life.

Before I can fall asleep, unfortunately, the guys decide it's a great time to film a YouTube video.

As if we didn't just run away from getting swallowed whole by a mob of crazy females.

The guys in the next room come to our hotel room and Cameron starts to film it.

"Hey guys, it's Cameron, and I'm here with all the guys... why don't y'all introduce yourselves..." all the guys name drop quickly, before Cameron continues. "...and we're just going to talking about the meet and greet and-"


Nash's hand makes contact with Cameron's face and white, foamy shaving cream flies in all directions.

"Oooooooh!" I automatically jump back, trying to avoid the flying white foam. All the guys were now immensely sidetracked from the video. I flip the camera film off. I was still wearing my clothes from the meet and hadn't changed into my pj's yet, thankfully. I slip on my shoes again and I grab my phone and leave the hotel room to get away from the craziness. I walk down to the end of the hallway and go to the balcony to get some fresh air.

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