t h i r t y - e i g h t

544 18 8

"Cameron, get the hell up! We have the meet and greet in half an hour!" I exclaim. I hit Cameron with a pillow to wake him up, making sure he'd get ready quickly.

"I'm coming." Cameron mumbles. He gets out of bed, yawning and slipping on a shirt. I grab all my stuff and I leave the room so he can get ready in privacy. I meet Hayes downstairs, standing next to him by the lounge, when a thought occurs to me.

Today, I would be leaving Miami and going home. Yes, I was excited, but I was kinda upset at the same time. I love the boys a lot, but at the same time I wanted to see all of my friends and family again. My luggage was all packed (not that I had had time to unpack anything since yesterday) and I was ready to leave after the convention was over today. The guys would drive me to the airport where I would ride the plane alone back home and meet my mom at the airport there.

I stand awkwardly beside Hayes, but after a few moments of awkward silence between Hayes and I I decide to go out and wait in the car.

Hayes was still being awkward after I told him that I loved him and I loved Shawn, but I wouldn't be able to date either of them. Even Shawn was avoiding me, and I had a feeling Hayes told him what I said about him.

I tap my foot incessantly against the car seat, getting impatient. Finally, after what seems like forever, the guys finally come out of the hotel and pile into the two rental vehicles and we head off to the meet and greet.

I plug my earbuds in and turn the conversation out, not feeling like talking to anyone. We were less than ten minutes from the venue, anyways.

Shortly afterwards, we arrive at the venue. Hundreds of girls waited in lines outside the building, waiting to get in.

We were a little late, so we had to hurry.

I follow the guys as we're escorted by security into the back door. Girls start screeching and running toward us, but security stops them.

They used to be able to come up to us, but Cameron discussed a few incidents with the director when girls had actually attacked us, so now we need security all the time so no one can get hurt.

We get inside successfully, heading straight back to the private backstage room for us. Shawn and the Jacks start sound check and everyone else breaks up into their separate groups. I sit in a corner on my phone, ignoring everyone.

It hurt to see the guys getting along without me, but it made me happy to see that they could cope and act natural when I wasn't talking to them or sticking around. I feel a warm tear escape the corner of my eye, but I quickly wipe it away before anyone can see it.

Stop being so dramatic, Maddie...

This is what I wanted. I wanted the boys to be able to cope without me and be themselves because not having me around meant that they wouldn't have to be careful in what they said or did because a girl was around, they would be able to do whatever they wanted wherever they wanted and not worry about changing in the same room as me because I wouldn't be there.

The staff started unlocking the ropes for the lines for the meet and greet to start. The guys went out to do that, carrying water, posters, merchandise and handfuls of Sharpie markers.

I watch as they all leave, ready to do the same thing they do at almost every convention.

The door shuts as the last person leaves, leaving me alone in the room. I scroll through my Twitter and my Intagram, liking pictures and replying to fans. After a while, I get bored and go out with the guys.

Hundreds of girls with fan signs, merchandise clothing, and creative gifts for the boys gather in a line waiting to meet the group of guys that I'm blessed to know personally behind the screens and stages.

There isn't an extra seat at the table with the guys, so I decide to greet some of the fans who recognize me instantly.

"Maddie!" A short brunette says, pulling me into a hug.

"Hi! What's your name?" I ask.

"My name's Lilly!" She says, smiling widely to reveal a set of blue braces. She looked about ten or eleven.

"You're so lucky you get to be siblings with Cameron. He's my idol!" the girl exclaims.

I talk for a little while with Lilly, getting to know her. I follow her on Instagram and say my goodbyes as I make my way through the rest of the line and greet more fans. The hug me ask me a bunch of questions, which I answer happily.

I'm really not different than any of these girls. The only difference is that I have a famous older brother with famous friends...

After I meet a bunch of other girls, I leave the line to go backstage and wait for the convention to be over. I fall asleep shortly afterwards against my bags.


Hey guys. The chapters are wrapping up and I'm getting ready to finish this book. There WILL be a sequel to this, if you were wondering lol

Don't forget to vote and comment!!❤️

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