t h i r t y - o n e

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Maddie POV-

"Bye, guys." I say, waving goodbye to all of the boys as they get in their cars and leave for the meet and greet. I can't help but chuckle as Hayes sends me a wink through the window before they pull away.

I had ended up deciding not to go. The fans thought Shawn and I were dating, and that wasn't the case. It's been really awkward between Shawn and I since our earlier encounter with TJ. We haven't even looked at each other, even when we've had plenty of opportunities to.

I didn't know how I felt about Shawn anymore. I loved him so much, but I didn't know how. I definitely loved him as a friend, but I didn't know if I liked him as anything more than that.

I cross my arms and walk back to the hotel, trying to keep warm.

I head back up to my room, and do the only sensical thing anyone would've done.

I ran and jumped on the beds.

No one was here to tell me not to, so why not?

I notice a blue and black iPod on the dresser plugged into the stereo. I stop jumping and walk over to the dresser, clicking on the home button, noticing a picture of Hayes and Nash at the beach from last year.

I slide and unlock the phone without a passcode.

Yep, just as I predicted.

Only Hayes would be dumb enough to have an unlocked iPod.

I go to his music app, scrolling through all the songs and put them all on shuffle.

He had a lot of rap music, so I crank it, not caring if I annoy anyone in the process.

I lay on my bed, going on my phone and singing along to the music.

Hayes's POV-

"Let's hear it one more time, New York!" Carter yells. Girls scream on command, throwing their hands into the air.

It was towards the end of the con, so I run past the front row of girls and touch as many hands as I can, girls grabbing onto my fingers and pulling on my forearms.

"Goodnight, New York!" I shout into the mic. The girls scream again, and the lights dim, our cue to exit the stage.

We go backstage, but instead of going back with the other guys I go to find the restrooms so I can wash the germs from touching girls' hands.

Eventually, after going down numerous hallways, I find a restroom sign and an arrow pointing down another hall. I sigh, relieved that I actually found it.

At least I didn't have to worry about fans back here because it was restricted.

I turn down the restroom hallway, but I immediately turn back to the main hallway.

I choke on air, attempting not to deflate my lungs from the complete and surprise and emotions that hit me.

There, in front of the men's restroom, stood none other than Shawn Mendes himself, with a short brunette girl pressed against the wall, his lips against hers.

My eyes water, realizing what I'm seeing.

Shawn was basically cheating on Maddie.

My heart aches for Maddie immediately, because I had to tell her. She had to know.

No one else was going to tell her.

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