t w e n t y - t h r e e

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(A/N): okay, so I don't know if I've stated it before, but Shawn is sixteen turning seventeen in my book...? Sorry for any confusion.

Maddie's POV-

Okay, so maybe I had forgot.

About what, you ask?

Well, about Shawn's birthday, of course.

Yep, Shawn's birthday was coming up real quick and I had forgotten all about it. My birthday was August first, and his was August eighth. It was currently the second, leaving me with five days to prepare for his birthday, not including today or his birthday because I was certain I wasn't doing anything today.

I sigh. I had just taken a shower, and was currently sitting in a pair of leggings and Shawn's hoodie, scrolling through Pinterest on my MacBook, looking for ideas for Shawn's seventeenth birthday party.

I give up after a while, sighing. I get bored, so I go into Shawn's stuff, looking for his cologne. Why? Well, because I love how he smells and I would literally swim in his cologne if I could, that's how much I love how Shawn smells.

I eventually find it, spritzing myself with it. It looked like it was designer, so I didn't use too much because it was undoubtedly expensive.

Also, it was super strong. But did I care? Well, not really.

I put his cologne back in with his stuff, closing the dresser and sitting back on the bed. I'm not even sitting for a second before Shawn opens the door, sweaty and flushed.

"Why are you so sweaty?" I ask, looking up at him from my phone.

"Went to the gym with Cam." He says. He walks into the room, going straight to his dresser and getting out a change of clothes. I bite my lip, examining how his biceps and back muscles move as he digs through his drawer. I look away, distracting myself from him.

I find myself doing that a lot lately.

Don't catch feelings...

"Shawn, you stink." I tease, covering my nose with the sleeve of his hoodie. He didn't really, I just wanted to tease him a little bit.

"Well duh, I don't sweat roses?" Shawn replies bluntly, not even glancing up at me. I laugh at him.

Once he finds what he's looking for, he pulls out some clothes and a towel.

"I'm going to go shower. Yell if you need anything." he says.

"Good. You smell." I say.

"Oh, and I forgot." Shawn says, turning around. He comes back, going to hug me.

"Ew, no!" I say, pushing his bare chest away. He laughs, obviously not budging. Since he was so much stronger than me he manages to give me a hug, rubbing his sweaty skin against me. I cringe. He freezes, sniffing my neck. He sits back.

"Why do you smell like men's cologne?" he asks suspiciously. I open my mouth to reply, looking for an excuse.

"I might've use yours?" I say, pursing my lips anxiously. Shawn makes a sweet face.

"Aww, you're so cute." he says. He kisses me briefly on the lips, leaving to go take his shower. I go back to scrolling through my phone, watching YouTube videos.

When Shawn comes out, he's not wearing a shirt. I mentally groan.

Why is he always shirtless now?

"Shawn, put a shirt on." I scold. Shawn gives me a "what the fuck" look from across the room.

"Why should I? You're always pantsless." Shawn points out. I roll my eyes.

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