t h i r t y - t w o

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Hayes POV-

(A/N: approx. 5 am next morning because they fell asleep and yeah.)

"Hayes." I hear through the semi-darkness. I open my eyes slowly, looking around. I see Shawn in the doorway, standing awkwardly.


"Cameron suggested we start packing now, before we leave for the day because we're going somewhere today and we won't get back until late, and we're leaving tonight." he says.

I nod, shifting my weight slightly. He makes a sort of pained facial expression when he sees Maddie curled up on my chest, before turning and leaving quietly.

I look down at her peacefully sleeping. I feel her lungs expand as she breathes silently.

I kiss the top of her head and gather her in my arms, feeling bad for having to move her. I stand, putting her back on the bed and tucking her in. She stirs a little, but doesn't wake up.

I gather all of the clothes from the floor and put them in a basket. Maddie's shirt and bottoms from last night were still on the right side of the bed, along with my shirt. I take her clothes and put them in her suitcase, grabbing a clean shirt and a random pair of shorts for her to put on when she woke up.

I take my clothes from the basket and start putting them away in my suitcase, which I had moved in here.

Yeah, I suppose Jack was arranged to share a bed with Maddie, and Nash and Cameron were supposed to share the room with them, but Jack has been avoiding Maddie lately and kinda merged into my room, so I guess you could say we switched rooms up a little bit.

I sort out the clothes in the darkness, throwing Cameron and Nash's stuff in a heap in the corner of the room.

I'm almost done packing, when I hear an incessant buzz on the bedside table. I turn around and see Maddie shift on the bed, turning her phone on and reading the notification and turning off the alarm, and I knew right away which one it was. I turn back to folding my clothes, finishing folding my last t-shirt.

I zip up my suitcase and put it along the wall by the door, crawling back into bed with Maddie.

I pull her into my frame, spooning her tiny body with mine. I bury my face in her hair, the enticing scent of her coconut-lime shampoo wafting into my senses.

Usually she smelled like the original vanilla-scented Paul Mitchell shampoo that the hotels usually gave out, but I guess she got bored of it like I eventually had.

I almost fall back asleep, when I feel her body shutter.

"You okay?" I whisper.

"No, Hayes. I don't feel good." she whines, her hands traveling down to her stomach.

(A/N: lmao just to clear things up: no, she's not pregnant lol and second, they didn't even have sex...)

"Aww, come here." I say. She flips onto her opposite side, burying herself into my chest. Her warm tears soak my shirt, but I don't care. Her body violently shakes from her heavy sobs.

"Shhh, don't cry." I say, rubbing her back. I run my fingertips along her navel to soothe the stomach pain, and after a while she stops crying, but is still awake, telling me it actually helped.

It's a long, comfortable silence before either of us say anything.

"Today's Shawn's eighteenth birthday." she murmurs in my neck. My head throbs in realization, and my heart softens for her.

I know she didn't get him anything...

She doesn't say anything else after that, just a simple sentence to tell me that she was overwhelmed.

Not only was she hurting on the outside, she was also hurting on the inside, too.

She sniffles again, wiping her eyes with the back of her thumb.

"What are you thinking?" I ask curiously. She stutters a laugh, thinking about it for a second.

"I never got him a gift. My best friend since I was five..." she says, trailing off. "You know, I made a promise a long time ago, when we first met, that I would be his friend. And I've tarnished our relationship so many times, Hayes..." she says, a tear slipping from the corner of her eye and falling on the pillow.

"Hey, shhhhhh, it's okay." I soothe. I kiss her forehead lightly. She takes a deep breath, wiping away her tears once again.

"I love you, Hayes. Thank you for listening to my drama." she says. I chuckle lightly.

"Love you, too, Maddie." I say. She smiles, kissing me gently on my lips. It's not a long kiss, or even a passionate kiss, at that.

It's simply a meaningful kiss that basically says everything I needed to know.

"thank you for being there for me."




jk. Anyways, it's been kinda long since my last update, I know, I apologize.

I always apologize.

unless, of course, it's past midnight on a weekend.

THENNNN all the thoughts come flowing to my brain.

I tried to update on Saturday, but here I am, on a Sunday, writing an abnormally-short chapter.


I can never stick to my update schedule lol. Oh well, I tried.

Anyways, thanks for reading my chapter, and tell me all ur opinions 😛😛 everything I write in this book happens for a reason, so those #Shaddie shippers out there, if you're still alive and haven't left in a fit of rage yet, don't get too disappointed yet because I have a couple ideas and a few plot twists (<spoiler?) in mind, but it's still just a work in progress in my mind.

After all, it IS a Shawn Mendes fanfic 😉

jk jk, whatever happens, happens. No guarantees Maddie and Shawn will ever be friends like they used to be, either.

AGAIN, please don't forget to vote and comment and all that jazz, because LAST CHAPTER HAS NEARLY 50 COMMENTS 😂 tysm guys ily.


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