t h i r t y - s i x

592 21 47

Maddie's POV-

Today was the day.

Today, we were leaving New York City and flying in to Miami.

Sadness pangs at my heart as I realize this would be my last flight as a part of the tour.

I yawn, throwing the sheets off of me. Hayes groans from beside me.

"Maddieeeee... go back to sleep. It's too early to get up." he complains, burying his face in the pillows. I roll my eyes.

"Come on, Hayes! I want waffles, and I'm one day closer to going home." I cheer excitedly.

"Go to sleep, early bird. I want to sleep longer."

"No." I say. I smack him with a pillow to wake him up.

"Hey, hey, hey!" he exclaims. He sits up, looking me in the eyes and pointing a finger at me. "No." he scolds. I laugh, hitting him again.

"Fine! I'm up!" he says, tossing a pillow in my direction, but I dodge it.

I leap off the bed, going into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"Ew, I look like a toe." I say, staring in the mirror. Hayes laughs loudly from the other room.

"Oh, shut up." I yell, starting the shower. Hayes appears in the doorway behind me.

"Woah, woah, woah. I was gonna shower first."
He says. I snort.

"Too bad, I call dibs." I say, trying to shove him out the door.

"But you take forever!" He complains. I put on a pouting look.

"Oh, you poor soul." I coo. He rolls his eyes.

"How about we save water and shower together?" he says, smirking. I make a disgusted face, my cheeks heating up.

"Ya nasty." I say, shoving him out and slamming the door closed, his laughter still audible behind the door.

"Just a suggestion." he says smugly.

"In your dreams, Grier." I say, hanging my towel up outside the shower and starting to undress.

"Ohhh, you're right! Did I ever tell you about the one dream, where we were–"

"HAYES!" I shout. He laughs, his footsteps getting farther away as he walks back towards the beds.

I step into the shower, the perfect-temperature water drumming against my skin.

Wish my shower was this nice.

After I shampoo and condition my hair, I rinse it clean. I hurriedly shave and wash the necessary parts of my body, before switching the water off. I dry off a little and wrap the towel around myself and open the door, Hayes standing patiently there.

"Took you long enough." he mumbles closing the door and locking it. I walk over to my suitcase and grab some clothes. I change into my undergarments, t-shirt, and shorts. I towel dry my hair, wrapping it in the towel on top of my head. I start on my makeup, applying a light amount of foundation to cover the small freckles appearing on my cheeks and nose because I hate my freckles. I finish applying my mascara and start to comb my hair and braid it when Hayes opens the door.

"Took you long enough." I mock, not even looking up from the mirror. This earns a slight chuckle from him.

I start walking over to the bathroom, when I notice Hayes only has a towel on.

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