s e v e n t e e n

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Okay, okay I'm gonna give the people what they want soon, but I need a little time because I have a good plot for this, I promise.

Ps- it's morning in this chapter in case you got confused with the time lol

Maddie's POV

"Get off me."

"I'm not on you, bitch, don't touch me."

"I'm going to punt you off this bed in a minute if you don't get your fat ass off of me."

I open my eyes, yawning and stretching my shoulders. My legs were asleep, being crushed by Shawn and Jenna.

Shawn was laying across my stomach, and Jenna was pinned underneath him on my right side.

"Both of you, get out." I say. They shut up, staring at me.

"You heard me, get out. I'm trying to sleep and I'd prefer it if I could also feel the lower half of my body, thanks." I mutter, shoving both of them off of me.

Just then, I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in."

A nurse comes in with a tray of food.

Pancakes and sliced oranges.

I accept the tray, setting it down in front of me. I eat the orange slices first, being careful to avoid the peel.

After eating for a little bit, I decide I don't want the soggy pancakes.

I notice Shawn and Jenna watching me anxiously as I push the plate away.

"What?" I ask, a little more attitude attached to my tone than intended.

"You have to eat that, Mads." Shawn says.

"Why? It's nasty." I say.

"Mad, do you want to spend your fifteenth birthday in a hospital bed?" Jenna says.

I sigh, shaking my head.

I knew they were right. I had to eat it if I ever had hope of getting out of here.

"Fine." I say, hastily eating the bland pancakes.

"Ugh, these people clearly don't put any love into the food here." I mumble.

Once I finish, I set the plate aside, grabbing my phone. I respond to a couple fans and spam some of them and all that.

"I have to go soon." Shawn says, checking the time on his phone.

"Okay." I reply.

"I have a meet and greet today, so I probably won't be back to see you until tomorrow-"

"Good, no one wants you here." Jenna says, not breaking eye contact from her phone. I slap her wrist and give her a warning look.

"Yeah...well, I'll see you tomorrow." Shawn says, hopping off the edge of my bed and leaving my room.

Shawn isn't even gone for five seconds before Jenna jumps all over me.

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