t h i r t e e n

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Shawn's POV

"Get her in the car," Cameron said, standing up. All the guys scattered to get out of his way.

"Now, Mendes!" Cameron demanded. I flinch, picking her up again and carrying her out the door before I could get yelled at again.

Cameron and I were good friends, but when it came to Cameron's little sister, he didn't care, and I could understood that. I was the same way with Aaliyah; loving, but admittedly sometimes too overprotective.

I hurry down the steps, ignoring the concerned glances from the strangers in the lobby. I race past them and out the door, headed for Cameron's car.

I get in the back seat, not even bothering to put my seatbelt on. Cameron jams the keys into the ignition and skids backwards out of the parking lot and onto the road she collapsed on just minutes ago.

"What happened?" Cameron says in a calm but bold tone, probably trying to remain calm for both his and his sister's sake.

"We were running, and she just collapsed and went unconscious." I reply. I look down at her.

Cameron and Maddie usually had the same skin tone, a naturally tan skin tone.

But that wasn't the case here.

All of the color had drained from Maddie's face, making her skin a strange light ivory color. Her lips were purplish and chapped, slightly agape. Dark circles had formed underneath her eyes and her cheekbones had started to protrude a little, making her cheeks a little more hollow than usual.

She just didn't look like herself.

I took her cold hand in mine, running circles around her thumb and knuckles.

She loved when I did that.

I noticed her hands were limp and her fingernail beds were purple underneath her bare nails.  This was also strange for her because her nails were usually coated in her favorite burgundy nail polish.

Cameron guns through all of the traffic lights, not caring about the beeps from angry drivers.

"Cameron, I know you're upset, but if you keep running red lights we won't even make it to the hospital." I say. He takes an exasperated breath and timidly slows down.

Shortly afterwards, we reach the hospital parking lot. Cameron gets the first available parking spot and practically leaps out of the car, racing to my side to help carry her inside, even though she wasn't very heavy at all.

I hand her over to Cameron and Cameron nods as his way of saying "thank you."

I follow him, racing ahead of him to open the doors. When we get inside the waiting room, I hurry up to the front desk to get help.

"We need help! My friend is unconscious and she needs medical attention immediately." I say. The woman nods her head, typing something into her computer.

"Name?" she asks,

"Dallas." I blurt out.

"The doctor will be right in, please sit patiently while we go get an assistant." She says. I nod and turn around. I sit down in a chair and Cameron sits next to me, and I see something I've never seen before.

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