e l e v e n

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the hotel they're staying at in Nevada...^

Cameron's POV

I pull into a gas station only two hours out from our next hotel. Everyone was sleeping, so I just woke Maddie up. She squints at me sleepily.

"What?" she says. I hand her two twenties and her eyes immediately light up.

"Go buy loads of candy and make everyone's day better." I say. She smiles and rushes into the gas station. I fill up our gas and Carter lazily fills up the other car's tank, too.

I finish filling our tank and hear Maddie come out, holding three bags of candy.

She hops back into the car and I do too. Everyone starts drifting into consciousness at this point from all the slamming doors and stuff. Shawn peers his eyes open and instantly shoots upright when he sees Maddie's candy.

"Holy..." he starts.

"Okay, listen up!" She says.

Well, if everyone wasn't awake before, they were now.

"I bought three large bags of Swedish fish, two bags of regular and sour Skittles, a pack of gum, a bag of mini Krabby Patties gummies which are mine, a bag of mixed candy, and a couple lollipops." She says. Everyone claims their favorite candies immediately, attacking the stash of candy out of the bag. Taylor comes out of the gas station, too, and goes back to his car, doing the same thing.


Everyone starts eating all the candy, the smell of sugar filling the car.

Maddie and I always did this on long car rides, it was a family tradition. Whenever we were on vacation or went on long car rides we would always buy loads of candy. It made our days better and everyone would need the energy from the sugar. I flick on the radio and lip sync to all of my favorite rap songs. Maddie raps all the lyrics impressively well on every one of the songs and everyone laughs.

I taught her so well.

Maddie's POV

We pull into the lot and get out, stretching our sore muscles from being in the car so long. We walk into the beautiful Hampton Inn and I instantly want to explore.

The hotel was basically a large wooden lodge. It had shiny wood floors and matching wooden interior. The ceiling in the lobby had
beautiful glass windows that let in the natural light and some rustic chandeliers. The far wall, across the room from the entrance, was basically a glass wall that overlooked the patio and the lake. My gaze averted to the other wall it was adjacent to, where there was beautiful stone fireplace centerpiece in the middle wall across from the check-in counter with a moose head mounted on the wall above it. There were dark brown couches littering around the fireplace with red blankets and designer pillows, and a glass coffee table to finish the look.

My jaw dropped as I looked around, stunned at how beautiful the little hotel was. It wasn't immensely big, it was only two stories high and had a balcony that overlooked the lobby. There were probably around thirty rooms in the entire building, but that was fine with me.

"Hi! How may I help you guys today?" The nice woman at the counter asks. She was wearing a pretty navy dress shirt and long black pants. And, of course, when I peered around the counter, she was wearing expensive stiletto heels with signature Louboutin soles.

"Hi, we reserved a couple rooms on the third floor yesterday." Cameron says.


"Dallas. Cameron." he says. I tense, ready for a fangirl to jump out at any second and mug us, but then I remember this is basically the middle of no where, just a lodge in a private suburban forest, and the only reason why there's a hotel here is because it's twenty minutes from the suburbs of Las Vegas, where our next convention would be.

"Okay! Here's your room keys," she says, setting three red cards on the counter. "and your room numbers are on them." She says. Cameron buys the rooms and we head up to the second floor.

I walk into the first room we reserved, instantly claiming the bed closest to the balcony window. I throw my stuff on the floor and leap on the bed, engulfing myself into the soft comforter.

"That's the bed I claimed." Nash whines to Cameron. I smirk at him.

"Too late now." I say. He rolls his eyes and takes the other bed. Shawn and Cameron come in after him and start setting their stuff up. I don't bother doing that yet. Instead, I get back up, grabbing my phone and leaving the room to go explore.

Of course, being the person that I am, the first place I go is the kitchen. Unlike the rest of the hotel, this room was almost completely stone. The floor was made from dark tile, and the walls were made of rocks. The counter tops were even granite.

This place was almost too expensive for me.

I find a bunch of fruit in the kitchen. I grab a bowl and a fork and grab some slices of strawberry, some sliced mango, pineapple squares, and some grapes. After I'm done in the kitchen, I make my way out to the patio.

The patio was stone, too. It matched the kitchen. The patio furniture was simple patio chairs with red patio cushions and yet another glass coffee table. The patio overlooked a vast green lawn that led to a small lake and the edge of a forest. It seemed like the hotel was almost privately owned because of the small fishing boat docked at the edge.

I finish my fruit quickly, going back into the kitchen. I decide against getting more food, leaving my empty bowl in the sink, assuming that's what I was supposed to do, and going back upstairs to the hotel room. When I get back in, Nash almost beams me in the face with an egg. It splatters on the door as I close it, egg shell landing on my sleeve. I cringe, wiping it off quickly.

What a surprise, they were already making a mess and we hadn't even been here ten minutes yet.

"Where the hell did you get eggs?" I ask. Nash shrugs, holding another. I take it from him, placing it back in the carton.

"I'm taking these from you because I'm afraid of what you might do with them." I say, placing the eggs on the bathroom counter. Nash laughs and jumps on the bed next to Cameron. I do the same, crawling under the covers of the king sized bed. I scroll through my social media, replying to some fans and even following some of them to make their day, just because I was in a really good mood.

After a short while, my eyes start getting droopy and I turn my phone off, drifting off to sleep.


HEY GUYS! omg look, it's an update.

No way.

I know I didn't update Wednesday, it's been a busy week. I updated ASAP because I have had to catch up on my work recently.

I apologize for taking so long and I know this chapter sucked lol I wrote it over a course of a few days, and I usually write better when I can actually sit down and have the same train of thought.

Well, I'm going to get started on the next chapter so I can update soon, so don't forget to vote and comment and stuff and leave your opinions because I love that stuff.

(word count: 1272)

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