f o u r t e e n

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Shawn's POV

"Hey, mom, what's up?"

"It's great, yeah, we're having lots of fun."

"Yep, she's fine."

"Oh, okay. Have a nice day at work."

"Love you too, mom."


Cameron hangs up his phone, sighing. I open my eyes, sitting up straight. I rub my eyes, squinting over at Cameron, who has a very guilty look on his face, now that he knows that I was listening in on him.

Neither of us say anything for a while, but I decide to break the persistent silence.

"Do you really think that that was the right thing to do?" I ask him. His eyes flick to me, examining my face. He sighs, shifting in his seat.

"If she knew Maddie was in the hospital, she'd stress herself to death. She can't know, not yet." he says. I nod, understanding.

"You're going to have to tell her eventu-"

I start, but I'm interrupted by the clicking of the door handle as the doctor comes in.

"Can we have you step outside, please?" The doctor asks Cameron. Cameron nods, getting up shakily and throwing me a nervous glance.

Cameron steps outside with the doctor, closing the door behind himself. I wait patiently, trying to listen for anything, but I can't even hear them talking. I wait, tapping my foot anxiously.

"Shawn?" A weak voice says. My head snaps up to Maddie. She was squinting at me, probably confused. She sits up, looking around. It doesn't take her very long to realize where she is, and when she does, she starts panicking.

"Where am I?" she asks, tears forming in her eyes.

"Calm down, it's okay-"

"I asked, where am I?! How did I get here?!" she says, tears welling in her eyes. I open my mouth to say something, but Cameron's loud sob interrupts me.

Both of our heads snap up to Cameron, who comes in with tears streaming down his cheeks, too.

"T-The doctor said they did some tests, and he asked me about Maddie's behavior these past months, and they have a reasonable theory about what's wrong with her." Cameron says.
I nod, urging him to go on.

"Shawn...Maddie has anorexia." Cameron says.

My heart drops.

Maddie's breathing hitches in her throat, and Cameron's eyes finally focus on her, realizing she was awake.


Maddie's POV-

"Shawn...Maddie has anorexia." Cameron says.

I instantly stop breathing, feeling my throat tighten at his words.


No no no no no no no!

How could this happen to me?

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