t w e n t y - f o u r

746 22 9

Maddie's POV

"Pssst, Maddie!" Cameron says through the darkness. I groan.

"What?" I snap.

"Get up, it's six. We have to leave soon." he whispers back. I slowly open my eyes.

The room was glowing an eerie blue color from the curtains, the light from the early sunrise was leaking in.

I roll out of bed, grabbing my suitcase. I take my time packing my things up, re-folding all of my clothes and packing up my makeup.

When I'm done, I crawl back into bed next to Shawn, who was still sound asleep.

I felt bad waking him, he looked so peaceful.

"Shawn." I whisper. He hums a little in his sleep. I repeat his name again, and he shifts a little. On the third time, he opens his eyes slowly, meeting mine.

"Hey, we gotta leave for NYC in less than two hours. Pack up your stuff." I whisper.

"Okay, thank you for waking me." Shawn says. His morning voice was pretty adorable, and I can't help but smile.

I go to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and brushing through my hair a couple times. I take a short shower, only washing and conditioning my hair with hotel shampoo and conditioner because I didn't feel like getting my toiletries back out of my suitcase.

I get out, realizing I forgot to get out clean clothes. I leave the steamy, warm bathroom and walk out into the semi-dark hotel room to get some clothes from my suitcase. I clutch my towel tightly around my body, shivering. I had forgot the AC was on.

I grab some undergarments and some clothes and disappear back into the bathroom. I slip on my undergarments and a pair of dark-wash skinny jeans, since it was a little chilly outside for shorts. I smile to myself when I realize the shirt is one of Shawn's black and red hockey jersey's. It was definitely large on me, so I just tuck it into the waistband of my skinny jeans. I wear a pair of white converse to go with it.

In the midst of blow-drying my hair, I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in, it's unlocked." I shout over the loud hair dryer.

"I'm going to shower, okay?" Shawn says. I nod, turning away from the him and the shower. I hear the sound of his clothes hitting the tile floor and the click of the shower door as he gets in.

Once my hair is dry, I feel like it's a little humid out to wear down, so I throw my hair up into a high ponytail.

When I'm satisfied, I leave the bathroom. I take out my liquid foundation and mascara and do my makeup quickly. I put the rest of my stuff in my suitcase, ready to go. Shawn comes out of the bathroom minutes later, drying his hair with the towel. He puts on a pair of khaki shorts and a dark gray t-shirt, zipping up his suitcase.

After about five minutes, everyone in our room is packed up and ready. We wait for the rest of the guys to finish packing and getting ready.

"Hello?" Nash says into his phone.

"Okay, meet you outside." he says. He hangs up his phone, returning his attention to us.

"The guys are ready and waiting in the parking lot." Nash says. We nod, getting our stuff and leaving our luxury hotel room.

I was really going to miss LA.

We get into our cars when we reach the parking lot. Matt had already checked us out and paid for the nights.

We put our stuff in the trunks and start our drive to the airport for NYC.

- - -

"Shawn, you're sitting next to me." I say. Shawn laughs, sitting in the seat next to me on the plane.

"You got the window seat last time." he says, a playful smile hinting at his lips.

"I got here first though." I say. He laughs.

I was tired, it was only eight-thirty in the morning.

I rest my head against the cold window and wait for the plane to take off.

I close my eyes, trying to sleep, but I'm woken by the intercom instructing us to buckle our seat belts and greeting us. I buckle mine, and sit back again with a groan, anticipating the dreaded take off. I hated planes because of the take offs and landings, and everyone who has flown in an airplane with me knew it.

Soon enough, I feel the plane start to roll forward and taxi toward the gate before accelerating quickly. Shawn senses my discomfort. He laces his fingers through mine, giving me a reassuring squeeze. I close my eyes, trying to calm down.

Finally, I feel the front of the plane lift up, and we're airborne.

I feel the pressure on my shoulders lift. I squeeze Shawn's hand again, letting him know I was okay. I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes, trying once again to sleep. Shawn drapes his arm over my waist, and we both fall asleep within minutes.


Sorry for the short chapter! I'm updating tomorrow or the day after so don't panic lol it's all good. I promise the next chapter will be long, just for you guys.

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